Explanations and Fun

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Authors Note: I am editing chapters and adding more scenes between the Doctor and Amora. I only own Amora and obviously I do not own the song. 

Amora decided to show Mickey all the fun rooms that the Tardis provided. She showed him the arcade, the library, the kitchen, Rose's room, his room, and her room. She wanted to show him the pond, so she told him to meet her in her room when he finished changing into his bathing suit. She decided to change into her actual form and put on a bathing suit as well. She was thinking of inviting Rose and the Doctor when there was a knock on the door. She ran to her wardrobe and found a robe she could use. She opened the door to Rose and the Doctor. Rose was wearing a cute pink bathing suit with flower petals while The Doctor wore a blue swim shirt and shorts. Amora nodded approvingly at their outfits.

"Hi! Mickey said that you guys were going swimming, so we decided to join. "Rose said, surprised at seeing Amora in her true form. She wanted to spend some time with Mickey, hoping that if she spent some time with him that she would be more open to him staying and traveling with them. Plus, she wanted to chat and hang out with Amora as well. The Doctor just didn't want Amora and Mickey to spend too much time alone together.

"I was just thinking of inviting you guys! Now I don't have to. Come in, come in." Amora invited them in. "We should wait for Mickey, but you guys are more than welcome to sit on the bed while we wait."

"Your room is so nice! I love the walls." Rose said as the Doctor looks around. He had to agree it was a lovely room, but he noticed how empty it was. It reminded him that Amora wasn't going to stay long, and he hated that.

"Thank Gorgeous." Amora said, referring to the Tardis. She walked over to her desk and decided to take off her gloves, which the Doctor noticed immediately.

"You're not planning on hypnotizing us love." He said teasingly.

"Maybe I was, Doc." She teased back.

Mickey finally arrived and was shocked to see a pink Amora but quickly got over it. Well, not that quickly, he almost fainted but he was standing alright. He was surprised to see trees and a green pond in her closet but was excited to swim and enjoy himself. Rose had grabbed some towels and she neatly placed them near the pond before laying down to enjoy the fake sun the Tardis had provided. Amora took off her robe, showing them her red bikini top and shorts before jumping into the pond with a laugh. The Doctor quickly joined her and started splashing Mickey. Rose laughed at the sight before getting up from her spot and joined them. It was the most normal fun any of them had in a long time.

Mickey and Rose decided to spend some alone time and left the pond, which left the Doctor and Amora to stay and relax by themselves.

"Are you going to explain what happened at the school?" The Doctor asked to a closed eye, floating Amora.

The girl sighed and ignored him; she just wanted some peace.

"Come on Amora, I have never seen a Roiias do that before, you guys are peaceful. You shouldn't be able to do that." The Doctor said, getting out of the water and Amora followed him. He bent down to grab and towel and started drying her hair.

"Times have changed Doctor." Amora said, grabbing her own towel and her robe. " We changed since the last time you saw us." she told him. 

"Is that what you did with the wolf? Back at that estate in Scotland?" He asked her, wanting to confirm things. 

Amora just nodded her head.

"Amora you're going to have to explain yourself one day, why not make it today." He said, standing in front of her, blocking her from leaving. He hated having to do this but his feelings for the girl overpowered it.

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