Call From Mom

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 The trio entered the Tardis and Amora immediately sat down near the metal bars. She needed a moment to process everything that had happened. Rose sat next to her and leaned her head against her shoulder. Amora wrapped her arm around her and snuggled closer to her. The Doctor looked over to them and smiled; glad that they developed a nice bond in such a short time.

"Are you both alright?" he asked them.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be alright." Rose said, closing her eyes.

"All she wanted was to be beautiful and admired." Amora whispered. She knew what it felt like, she was a Cassandra when she was younger; always trying her hardest to get people to like her until it just ate who she truly was instead. When you grow up on a planet full of beautiful people, being an ugly duckling really ruins any chance of a proper childhood. Amora was the runt of the family, always lacking and never enough. Maybe that's why she always stayed away from people and leaned more into learning.

"At least her final moments were a happy one. We helped her." The Doctor said, standing over the pair.

Amora and Rose gave a small nod before Amora gently removed her arm from Rose and stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

"Well, I have a few important things to get done and I should probably do them now instead of dilly-dallying." She said, exiting the counsel room. She thought of something and walked right back in.

"Oh, and Rose." Rose turned her head at the mention of her name.

"Please knock next time. Don't want another accident to occur unless you're into that." She winked at the girl and then proceeded to her room; not seeing the bright blush on the girls' face.

<Doctor and Rose>

"What was that about?" He asked.

The blonde couldn't look him in the eyes for a few seconds before mumbling something he did not catch.

"What was that?" He asked, leaning closer to the girl, who was glowing brighter and brighter.

"I saw her naked.."


"I walked into her room, and I couldn't find her and there was this door and so I walked in and I was looking around for her and and... there she was. Naked." The girl rambled, standing up and walking back and forth. She couldn't sit still anymore as a load of emotions were bubbling inside of her.

The Doctor just stood there in shock. He couldn't believe that the Tardis would let Rose into Amora's room and let the whole thing happen. Hell, he couldn't believe Amora was okay with that; actually no he could believe that.

"She has a really nice body.."


<With Amora>

She finally made it to her room and went to the door in the corner, making her way back to the pond. She quickly searched the clothes that Rose had folded and reached for her ring, which was glowing.

The girl winced and immediately, the holographic message board was full of messages from her mother. Each message was getting longer and longer; some were her mother begging her to respond back while others were her threatening that if Amora did not respond back, her mother was going to track her down and end her.

'Welp, I'm dead.'

She quickly tapped five times on her ring and a holographic image of her mother appeared. Her deep purple skin had the familiar floral patterns that Amora loved tracing on her arms and her long blonde hair was in a tight braid. Her mother was wearing a translucent lavender dress with gold trimming and gold sandals.

"Do you know how long I have been trying to get a hold of you, young lady! You might be 546 but that does not mean that you can't keep in touch with your mother!" Her mother said in anger, her bright blue eyes glaring at Amora.

"And what are those clothes? Are you a human nun now?"

"Mother, this is normal for humans, I believe nuns wear ten times that amount of clothes that we do." Amora answered, lightly grazing her skirt.

"Well.. It's terrible. I can't wait for you to get back home! Ja'Kobra is already planning your welcome home feast and Loja is already making you a surprise. You would think you've been gone for a decade not a year." Her mother rambled.

"Mother," this catches her attention," do you remember the nickname that my father used to call me. Well used to call in the womb."

Her mother smiles at her softly and reaches over to touch her daughter's face, even though she knew that it would just pass through her.

"Of course, I remember, the second he found out I was pregnant he was already calling you-Camilia stop hurting your brother! Don't you start with me! I'm sorry honey, I call you later. Kisses." And with that the hologram cuts off, leaving Amora alone with her thoughts.

She quickly put on her ring and grabbed the clothes that were on the floor. She makes her way to her bedroom, humming a small song her mother said her father used to sing to her when they were seeing each other.

She sets her clothes down on the desk and searches through the drawers and finds a small hand mirror.

She removes her bracelet, resulting in her going back to her true pink self, and holds up the mirror; taking a deep breathe before imaging a new face.

When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see deep blue eyes staring back at her, instead of green. Her pink skin slowly lightens up to a slightly tan human skin tone. Her blonde hair turns dark and long, almost reaching her but. She even grew a bit taller as well.

"I did it!" She started jumping up and down. "I changed without the bracelet!"

She looked back at the mirror and wondered, the bracelet gave her a random look that she ended up setting up as the default look but this, this was all her.

Her features also changed, her jaw was more defined, and her eyebrows were a bit thicker. Her lips were a darker pink and she had a small beauty mark near the corner of her right eye.

Before she could take a closer look at her new appearance, she quickly went back to her usual pink body.

"Damn." She mumbled, back to practicing for her.

After a few more tries, she quickly exhausted herself. She put the mirror back in its original spot and made her way to her bed. She laid down and sighed before finally closing her eyes.

"Goodnight Gorgeous." She said to the Tardis before drifting up to sleep.

A small hum responded back quietly before turning off the lights for the sleeping girl. 

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