Chapter 3

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Everybody held their breath, waiting to see how Keefe would react.

Keefe ran a hand through his hair. "Good old mom always seems to be related to every situation."

"Just because she was also held hostage there, doesn't mean she has anything to do with this," Sophie pointed out.

Keefe turned to her, "Did you not hear them? She donated her genetics to create this person! She will always be a part of it!" Keefe exclaimed.

"Well, at least we know where they are now. We can't change what happened in the past. So, let's focus on getting them back. Who's going to go get them? We want a strong group, for defence, but a small group, for secrecy. So, no more than 5 or 6," Sophie decided

Of course, everybody volunteered including, surprisingly, Caspian's mom.

"Stina? You really want to come?" Biana asked, surprised.

Stina shrugged. "I wouldn't say I really want to. But it would be cool to be a hero."

Caspian rolled his eyes. He saw Kerry staring at him sympathetically. When there eyes met, he looked away, cheeks red.

"Well," Sophie said, "I think we should have Biana, so she can turn us invisible, me, so I can enhance her, Tam, so he can break down any force fields, and Marella, in case we need to fight fire with fire..

Everybody who wasn't picked immediately started protesting. 

"Why can't any kids go?" Caspian asked.

"Because you are children," Sophie said.

"And, what age did you go on adventures?" Kerry retorted.

"Well, 12, but that's besides the point..."

"No it's not!"

Sophie sighed, "Fine. Maybe it will be good to have a secret weapon... Kerry, you have good control with your frosting, right?"

Kerry nodded.

"OK, then we might need you. But that is it." Sophie insisted.

Nobody argued. They knew there was no point.

"OK, we will leave tonight. A night raid is the easiest."

Everybody began to leap away. Of course, Stina forgot Caspian and leapt without him.

Dex was talking to Sophie, protesting about letting his wife and child go into a prison without him, so Kerry was still here. She walked over to Caspian.

"I'm sorry," she said.

Caspian shrugged, "I'm used to it."

Kerry sat down next to him, "That's the problem. Nobody should have to get used to things like that."

"Thank you, Kerry." Caspian whispered.

She looked over to her parents, who were gesturing for her to go over.

'Anyway, I got to go. Do you need help getting home?'

He shook his head, "I'll just take the Foster's leapmaster."


Kerry got up to go, but Caspian stopped her.

"Please be careful, Kerry." He said.

Kerry winked, "Careful never got anybody anywhere."


Caspian's words kept going round and round in her head.

Please be careful, Kerry.

Kerry sighed. She would try, but she knew it was never that easy when it came to the Neverseen.

She, along with everybody else, was outside the Foster's house. Everybody had come to say goodbye, and they were all going to stay at the Foster's, so when the group returned, it would be easier to plan their next move, or celebrate. Preferably the latter.

"So, ground rules." Sophie said, "Adults are in charge. If we don't come home by morning, send 3 people to find us. If the person follows us home, I want the children to all go to the leapmaster and leap to Sterling Gables. I know I can't make you, and I know you will want to fight, but I am hoping you will make the right choice. And finally, if at any point, ever, if we face the realisation that we have to kill them, no kid will do it. Only an adult. And this is because you can't face the guilt this early in your life, or you will probably shatter. This is non-negotiable. Understood?"

All the kids nodded. They wouldn't have done it, anyway. They had heard the stories of Alden and Prentice.

"OK. Biana, Tam, Marella, Kerry, let's go."

Everything was silent. They landed in a forest, and Kerry expected there to be creatures chirping, or wind rustling the leaves. But there was no sound. Only trees, trees, and a giant lake of blood-red liquid.

Sophie had opened up a conversation in her mind, allowing everybody to communicate.

'Where is the prison?' Kerry transmitted.

'Rayni told me it was next to a jagged rock.' Sophie replied.

Luckily, there was only one rock sticking out from the ground.

'There!' Biana exclaimed, and pointed.

Biana grabbed Tam and Sophie's hands. Marella grabbed on to Sophie, and Kerry grabbed on to Marella.

As soon as Sophie turned on her enhancing, everybody turned invisible.

'Wow!" Kerry thought, 'this is so awesome!"

Carefully, everybody started making their way to the rock. Once they arrived, Tam spotted a barely noticeable door on the ground. Kerry pulled it open, and they stared down into a hole leading into pitch black.

'I can't keep you guys invisible while we are climbing down a ladder,' Biana told them.

'That's OK, I can shroud us in shadows until we get to the bottom.' Tam replied.

They all let go of each other's hands and Tam got to work. When the shadows surrounded her, Kerry instantly got the chills.

'I'll go down first,"  Sophie said, and made quick, if clumsy, work of getting down the ladder. Tam followed, then Kerry, then Marella, then Biana.

Inside, everything was dark, but Kerry could still make out the walls, floor, roof and some of the doors.

'So, how are we going to do this?' Sophie transmitted.

'Maybe we should split into 2 groups, one of 2 and one of 3, and search each room for them. Sophie can keep the mental conversation open, so whenever somebody finds something, just think it really loudly,'  Biana replied.

'OK. What will the groups be?' Marella asked. 'And don't even think about separating me from Kerry.'

'I wasn't planning to. I was thinking that you and Tam could go with Kerry, so she has more protection and a shade to hide her. And then I go with Biana, so I can enhance her and she only has to turn one person invisible, instead of 2. Sounds good?'

Everybody nodded and split into their groups. Kerry, Marella and Tam made quick work, opening every door, checking it fully, closing it, and doing the same with the next door. For half an hour, they opened door after door, losing more and more hope as they went, realising the prison was a lot bigger than they had anticipated. But then, finally, Kerry creaked open the door and..

"Alsie! Rowan!" she cried.

She gestured for Tam and Marella to come in, but they all stopped short when they saw something come out of the shadows.

It was that mysterious person.

And they had revealed their face.

Wow, 1090 words! I can't believe people are actually reading my writing, thank you so, so much. 

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