Chapter 7

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He couldn't take it anymore. Cayden couldn't bear to see his parents trapped and helpless. He ran outside, straight up to Evila.

"CAYDEN!" Kerry cried. "STOP!"

Dex and Marella bolted to the edge of the force field.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Marella screeched.


But Cayden ignored them. He went over to Evila, who just smirked.

She raised her hand, ready to lock him in a force field, but before she could, Cayden punched her straight in the stomach. Evila stumbles back, taken completely by surprise, and doubled over. The force field surrounding the parents flickered out, and Marella quickly ran over to her son, Dex right on her heels, and wrapped him in a hug.

"Cayden, NEVER DO THAT EVER AGAIN!" Marella shouted.

"I had to. And it worked, didn't it?" Cayden pointed out.

"But it was still dangerous! And if it didn't..." Dex trailed off.

Cayden shook his head. "It did, and— DAD, BEHIND YOU!"

Dex whipped his head around to find an arrow made of shadow flux, whizzing towards him at a deadly speed.

Dex tried to dodge, but it was too fast. He braced himself and...

Tam snarled something at the arrow, and it disappeared.

"Oh great, she's a shade, too!" Keefe said.

Tam rolled his eyes. "Obviously!"

Evila floated over to Tam, "Impressive." she said.

Tam growled, and made a dozen arrows surround her. Evila rolled her eyes and made the shadows scatter away. Tam called them back, edging closer. Evila sighed, and made a force field. Tam called away the shadows and backed away, not taking his eye from her.

"Now, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. Either way, I win." she said.

"What's the easy way?" Biana said.

"You all surrender, and I overthrow the council and rule the world."

"And the hard way?" Keefe prompted.

"We do a whole 'battle of the rebellions 2.0,' and I kill you all. Then I proceed to overthrow the council and rule the world." Evila explained.

Marella cracked her knuckles and produced a small fire, letting the flames dance across her palm. "Not if we beat you first."

Evila cackled. "I assume this means you choose the hard way."

Everybody nodded, ready to fight. But no one was ready for what they saw next.

It was Sophie.

And she was on Evila's side.


"Mom!" Rowan whispered, feeling his insides tangle.

"Why is she on her side?" Arya asked.

"Look at her wrists." Cayden instructed. "She's being controlled by those gadgets!"

"Of course you would notice that." Arya said teasingly.

Cayden shrugged, his cheeks pink. "I'm a technopath. It's what I do."

Rowan rolled his eyes. "Guys! We are meant to be figuring out how to save Mom. Flirt later!"

Arya and Cayden flushed.

"S-sorry." Arya stuttered.

"Does anybody have any ideas?" Rowan asked.

Everybody shook their heads.

"Well, our parents are free now, so maybe we could cause a distraction, and get Dex to go all 'techno' and free her." Kerry suggested after a few moments of thought.

"It could be dangerous..." Caspian said.

"But it's the only plan we've got." Kerry argued.

"OK. Rowan, can you transmit the plan to the parents?" Alsie said.

Rowan nodded, and transmitted to all the parents;

'We are going to distract Evila so you can free Sophie. Don't argue, we won't be convinced. We are running out of time.'

He saw the adults nod, and took that as a sign.

"OK, they're in. Now, let's go save my mom!'

Only 554 words today, sorry about that. I won't be able to update in mornings anymore, only in afternoons (in my time), unless it's a weekend. Thank you so much for 54 reads!

This is the link to my other story, which you should check out:

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