Chapter 6

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The next few days were a blur of training, planning and preparing. The ground rules were still the same, the main one being 'If the battle results in killing, no kid will commit murder, only adults, unless their life is in danger and nobody can help them.'

 Kerry planned to stick to that. She may have inherited her mothers fierceness, but the thought of murder made her sick.  But instead of dwelling on that thought, she spent those days training her ability, working on freezing things with efficiency and speed, but also strength. Everybody was staying at the Foster house, because that is where they expected Evila to attack them. They had enough bedrooms to accommodate everybody, if everybody slept in the same room as their families, so Kerry was stuck in a room with her mom, dad, and 2 brothers. But it wasn't that bad, because she spent most of every day training her frosting, or spending a lot of time with Capsian, whom she had grown quite close to, because they were similar aged. Caspian was quite alone, because nobody really wanted to hang out with 'the kid of Stina Heks,' so Kerry made sure to hang out with him. 

Caspian was nothing like his mother, despite sharing a surname. He was kind, compassionate and a little shy, as Kerry soon found out. And as much as Kerry hated that somebody evil out there had her aunt, she also quite enjoyed being able to see Caspian every day. She had friends at Foxfire, but a lot of them were friends with her because she was 'The kid of Dex and Marella', not because she was her. But Caspian saw her as her, which she found was nice.

Kerry wanted things to go back to normal so bad. But until they find  Sophie and take down Evila, everything was just going to get worse.

Because things can only get worse before they can get better.


Caspian saw her first. She was floating through the front yard.

"SHE'S HERE!" he screamed.

Everybody came running down as fast as they could.

"OK, everybody, remember the plan!" Keefe exclaimed.

Evila came to the door and taunted, "Do you want Sophie back? Then come and get her!"

The adults stormed outside, ready to attack. The kids stayed, anxiously, waiting. It was all part of the plan. The children come in later as the secret weapon, since Evila didn't know their abilities. Adults go out first. Evila was there, waiting. As soon as the adults exited the house, she snapped her fingers, and a force field formed around them all.

"Oh, great. She's a psionipath too." Dex said.

Tam quickly got to work, commanding the shadowflux to break down the force field. But as soon as it made contact, the shadows disappeared.

"She's too powerful!" Tam cried, "Whatever tweaks they did made her force fields unbreakable."

The children looked at each other, panicked. If they went out, they would be trapped, and it would all be over. But they couldn't fight from inside.

"What do we do?" Delia whispered.

Everybody shrugged, looking panicked.

"I don't know." Caspian whispered back.

'How can we take down somebody unbreakable?'

Sorry for the shorter chapter, only 517 words this time, but this is the second update today. If I have time, I may update one more time today, I'm not sure. But if I don't, I'll get around to it tomorrow. By the way, thank you guys so much for 29 reads so far! 

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