Chapter 5

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It felt so right. Like it was meant to be. It was so perfect.

And then Keefe saw.

"Why is my son kissing Bangs Boy's daughter?" he asked.

Rowan reluctantly pulled back. "Umm... why not?"

"Because she's Bangs Boy's daughter!" Keefe exclaimed.

"And what's wrong with my daughter?" Tam asked as he walked over.

"She was kissing my son!" Keefe told him.

Tam's jaw dropped. "Stay away from my daughter!" he said to Rowan.

"Oh my God, we are 15!" Delia exclaimed, "Give us a break."

"But seriously, Delia, you can choose anyone, and you choose his kid," Tam said.

"Yes," she said confidently.

Tam gritted his teeth, "Fine," he said sharply.

Rowan smiled, "Dad?"

Keefe grimaced, "But Rowan, Bangs Boy's kid? Bangs Boy?"

"You know who you sound like?" Rowan said slyly, "You sound like Grandpa Grady."

Keefe sighed, "Fine. Just... fine. Whatever."

They walked off, shooting looks of resentment at each other.

"Now, we should probably join the others, shouldn't we?" Rowan remarked, subconsciously rubbing his burns.

"Yeah. Hey, do you need to get those treated?"

Rowan shook his head. "No, Elwin already put some balms over them. I just need to wait until they calm down."

'I'm so sorry you went through that." Delia whispered.

He shrugged. "Let's just focus on saving my mom."

So they went over to the others, knowing every second wasted was another one Sophie was probably meeting the same fate.

Chapter 6


Alsie's body ached from the burns. Her mind ached from the memories. Her heart ached for her mother. But she put all that aside, and tried to focus on forming a plan.

"OK, so, we know this person has lots of abilities, though we have only seen pyrokinetics. We know she has Sophie, and has moved hideouts, so we have no idea where she is now. We know she is the daughter of Lady Gisela and Gethen, and they tweaked her to make her super powerful. And we know she has been hiding for 19 years, getting stronger and stronger." Marella told everybody.

"That... doesn't sound good," Biana said.

"But..." Alsie began, but then something distracted her, "Wait, are Rowan and Delia holding hands?"

Everybody turned their heads, and the two teens began blushing.

"Wait, is Rolia official?" Arya asked.

Delia shyly nodded.

There was a whole lot of squealing from the kids, and a whole lot of yelling from the adults, who were trying to take back control. Finally, Keefe let out an ear splitting whistle, and everybody stopped.

"Yes, yes, this is all very interesting, but can we please focus on getting my wife back?" Keefe yelled, "Now, Alsie, what were you going to say?"

"Oh, yeah. I was going to say, she may have a bunch of different abilities, but we have more if we put ours all together."

Marcelo nodded, 'Yeah. We have, 2 Pyrokinetics, 2 Technopaths, 2 Vanishers, 2 Shades, 2 Hydrokinetics, 2 Empaths, A Flasher, A Conjurer, A Polyglot, A Teleporter, a Telepath, A Froster, and... whatever that weird ability Keefe has."

Linh nodded, "Yeah, we do have a lot..."

"But just to be clear, I am never using that 'weird ability'. Ever." Keefe said.

"Even if it's a matter of life and death?" Wylie asked.

"Well, who's life? Like, if it's Bangs Boys, eh." Keefe joked.

Biana's eyes narrowed. "You better be kidding," she said. Keefe may be taller, but Biana's stare was withering. Keefe backed up, looking genuinely afraid. "J-just joking, Biana. Calm down."

Biana walked back to Tam, who was smirking. Everybody wasn't sure whether to laugh, so they just stayed silent.

Alsie cleared her throat. "So anyway, we outnumber Evila easily."

"OK, but how do we find her?" Stina asked.

"Well, instead of searching for her, why don't we just wait until she strikes?" Wylie suggested.

"And leave my mom with her, being tortured, for who knows how long?" Rowan said.

Delia put a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's hard, but it's the only plan we have. We can't search for her if we don't know where to search."

"OK, so until then, adults, prepare the area, kids, train your abilities." Keefe said.

Everybody nodded and went off to get ready.

Alsie felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

"Jasper!" she exclaimed, her heart pounding. She silently scolded herself. Now was not the time to be thinking of thing like that. It took her a while to realise, but she liked him. It seemed a bit sudden, but as she looked back, she realised it wasn't as abrupt as she had initially thought.

"Alsie, I can't believe what you just went through. I am so sorry," Jasper said.

Alsie shrugged, 'It's over now."

"You're so brave." Jasper remarked.

Alsie took a deep breath. If she was in a TV show, everybody would be chanting; Do it! Do it! Do it!

"IreallylikeyouandwanttobemorethanfriendsbutItotallyunderstandifyoudon'tfeelthesameway." Alsie said in one breath.

There was a second of very awkward silence, then Jasper said, "Pinch me."


"Pinch me."

So Alsie pinched up, very confused. When he winced, he smiled.

"I'm not dreaming. You actually like me?" Jasper asked.

She laughed and nodded.

"I like you too." And without another moment's hesitation, he kissed her.


"You too, Alsie?" Keefe exclaimed from behind them.

Jasper leapt back, blushing.

"I mean, seriously. In the space of 10 minutes, I've seen both of my kids kissing somebody. What is going on?" Keefe cried.

Jasper didn't know what to say. Luckily, Alsie did.

"Well, you let Rowan and Delia get together, so you should have no problem letting me and Jasper get together."

Keefe rolled his eyes and turned to Jasper. "Fine. but remember who her grandfather is. Make one wrong move, and I'm sure Grady will be very willing to have a lengthy conversation with you."

Jasper gulped and nodded. When Keefe walked away, he whispered to Alsie,

"Your dad is scary."

Alsie laughed. "I know, Jasper. I know."

926 words. I know this chapter has had a lot more romance than some of the others, but I just felt that the Foster children deserved something after I made them go through being kidnapped and tortured.  I'm not very experienced with writing those type of scenes, so tell me what you thought. :)

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