The glare of the silence.

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this will take place in season 7.
also, I have another fanfic that I've been working on since December, let me know if you would like to see it. Enjoy!!

Grians pov.

Lately, I've been more tired. My feet have been dragging around, and I can't even bother with my wings. With the back of my base, and the barge it's just to much. I have to restock it almost everyday at this point. Yet, I have to work harder.
I looked at the time, murmuring something under my breath. ' shit. ' I leaned back in my chair, stretching. The time read: ' 2:35 am. ' yet, I wasn't finished, pulling out my communicator I checked for any new messages. I saw that scar was online. I chuckled softly, texting him. ' you up? ' it took a few moments before the ' . . . ' appeared. ' yeah! What are you doing up? ' scar replied. ' working on some plans for the barge. I gotta finish it. ' the three dots appeared again. ' or.. tomorrow, you finish it? ' he suggested. It sounded tempting. ' I'm good, the barge needs a little more improvements. ' I yawned. ' there's new improvements every week grian: your working to hard. ' I stared at the message. I wasn't, was I? ' I just- I tried going to bed. I guess I can't- I have to finish this. ' I tried to argue. The three dots appeared, then disappeared. I put the communicator back in my drawer of my desk. Picking up my pencil, and started to work again. ' so, if we open up the roof- you can fly in.. ' i murmured to myself. My ideas were pretty good for someone who can barely get any sleep. But, about 20 minutes later a knocking came from my door. Getting up from my seat, my knees almost buckled beneath me. ' coming! ' I shouted, making my way to the door. Opening it, scar was there with a bag. ' hey gri! Hope you don't mind but could I stay here for tonight? ' he smiled. I nodded, how could I argue with that smile. ' cmon in- I was just working- ' scar chuckled. ' on the barge I know. ' I giggled. ' I forgot. ' scar put his hands on my shoulders. ' now, you need to sleep. So put the pencil down and go to sleep. ' I yawned. ' fine fine. ' I was tired after all. Though, I yearned to finish those improvements. I turned back to my my desk and shut off the lamp. ' do you want the bed? ' scar shook his head. ' I got a sleeping bag. ' I nodded. ' but, you need to sleep. ' I chuckled. As I flopped onto my bed. It was mess though, some pillows were against the wall, and some of the blankets were half-way off the bed. Scar dropped his duffel bag, shuffling through it, before pulling out a dark green sleeping bag. Placing it down near my bed, I threw the blankets on my bed. I guess now that I really look around- I haven't been taking care of my room. Dishes, and trash laid scattered around my room. Grabbing a light red blanket, I curled up on my side. My wings enclosed. ' in the morning- ' scar yawned. ' I'm helping you clean up this mess, gri. ' I smiled. ' thank you. ' I whispered. As I closed my eyes, I yearned to go to my desk, and continue working but, knowing scar he would make sure I didn't. It seemed like forever until I finally fell asleep.

By the time I woke up, it was 2:31 pm. My heart sank. I never liked waking up late, I felt like I was missing out on something, or whenever I lost track of time. I sat up, scar was tiding some things up, I felt a little bit better knowing he stayed with me. I brought my knees close to my chest. My wings surrounded my sides, leaving the front view the only way to see me. As scar rounded the corner, back into my room he saw me. I waved, he smiled. ' good morning. ' he looked happy. ' thanks for staying. ' I murmured, he nodded. ' anytime, now. I made some breakfast, it's in the fridge. You can get some when your ready, however it better be in 30 minutes or less. ' he passive aggressively suggested. I chuckled in response. '. Hey- grian? ' he sat down next to me. ' yeah? ' I let my wings down. Now sitting normally.

' I think I might just hate you. '


yes I'm leaving this on a cliff hanger bc I need to get these out faster. Also, 5 views? thank you so much!! that's/ probably the most I ever got. Thank you again so much!!
word count: 793

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