2 different reasons.

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to all my dear readers,, followers, etc. I am sorry. I'm slowly losing interest in this, / I'm just tired of everything. Forgive me for not posting a lot, but I will hopefully start posting more since summer is Starting!!
this doesn't mean I'm quitting, so don't worry. This will take place in a highschool, and will be in scars pov!!
Y'all are going to hate me..


I looked over at grians seat. He's been absent for about 3 days now, we usually sat next to each other during English, science etc. We helped each other study, etc. I tapped my foot anxiously, grian made me worried. As the teacher ranted about a few books we read at the beginning of the year, I tried to focus, but all I could think of was grian.

' scar! What happened in ' out of my mind ', near the end? ' I stared. Before realizing. ' they won, and went to d.c but melody couldn't go- right? ' my voice faltered at the end. The teacher nodded and continued ranting.  I let out a sigh as mumbo passed a note to me, he sat behind me.

" you alright? You've been spacing out. " the vote read, the teacher was busy getting a student in trouble for not remembering something. " yeah, I'm alright. Just worried about grian. " I passed it back, pretending to stretch.

Mumbo left it  at that. English was the second period till we go home. I might just skip the last one to go home, I need to check up on grian. It was 30 minutes before the bell rang, but I couldn't wait. I raised my hand, ' may I use the bathroom MR, Elliot? ' he nodded.

I shot a warning glance at mumbo, he nodded. Walking out, I glanced down the hallway. Nothing, so I headed towards the bathrooms. I walked into one the stalls, propped my feet up on the toilet and rested my head on the walls of the stall. Before I knew it, the bell rang. I hopped out of the bathroom and got mixed in with the crowd of kids. I pushed by, and made it through the doors of the school, and started half walking, half jogging to grians house.

It took a hot minute to get there. Maybe 10 minutes?

I knocked on the door, and grians mom answered. ' good afternoon ma'am. ' I gave a friendly smile. ' ah- scar. Here to see grian? ' I nodded. I came here every so often. ' thank you. ' I said as she let me in. Closing the door behind me, I went to grian's room. Upstairs, second door to the left. I knocked gently, grian's stuffy voice filtered though. ' come in. ' he sneezed, then sniffled. ' bless you. ' grians once, narrowed eyes to see who came in, softened. ' you've been absent for 3 days- you alright? ' grian shook his head.

' I'm sick. ' I chuckled. ' yeah, but is it the cold? The flu? ' grian shook his head. Becoming confused, I guess it showed on my face.

' scar.. ' his voice was soft, peaceful.

yet, sorrow engulfed his words, and his eyes.

I watched as tears began to swell on his eyes.

. . .

Silence filled the room, I sat down next to grian, and hugged him. The once quiet room, was filled with muffled sobs, as he cried into my shoulder.

' I- I don't know how tell you.. ' he admitted. That made me a little scared, but I had to be patient. ' you can tell me when your ready, alright? ' he nodded. He wiped away his tears and looked sickly.

' it's.. ' he sighed.

' it's terminal. '

I stayed silent, he laid back down to where he once was, staring at something at the end of his bed.

' what..? ' I managed to mutter out, my own words trembled. It was like a thousand thoughts raced inside my head. ' that's why I haven't been at school. It's terminal. '

' what do you- ' I stopped myself to rephrase that. But he knew what I meant.

' congenital heart failure. ' I hugged grian again, not for his stake but for mine. We both wept in each others arms for hours.

A knock, made us separate. ' come in. ' grian croaked. His mother came in, I didn't notice before but her eyes were red and puffy from crying. ' I- I told him mom. ' she nodded. ' I'm sorry you had to find out. But- follow me.
' grians mom gestured to me to follow her.

' his condition, is some-what mild; but getting worse. The doctors say, it's in the stage before it's advanced. Which means there's still hope.. but. We're trying out different treatments. ' I nodded. ' will he get better? ' I was getting worried. ' with time, prayers and hope. Yes, there's a chance he will. ' I let out a relieved sigh. ' what are his symptoms..? ' I was curious, half because I wanted to help him with stuff. Half because I was just curious. ' well- dizziness, or loss of appetite, weight gain, fast breathing, or shortness of breath. But those are just some of the symptoms grian can get. ' I felt my heart sank. ' how long.. does - ' I choked back words. ' if it gets worse.. he has 6 months. ' I stayed silent. She left to go make grian some food.

I texted my mom something, she agreed. But I just had to ask grians mom, opening grians door he glanced to me. ' is it alright if I sleep over tonight? ' he nodded, giving a weak, yet hopeful smile. ' I'll go ask your mom. ' he nodded and went back to resting. Closing the door, I went downstairs.

Reaching the kitchen, she was fixing him a p&j sandwich. ' could I sleep over tonight? ' he glanced to me, ' yeah sure. I'm pretty sure you still have extra clothes here in the guest bedroom. ' I flashed her a smile and she went back to his food. I went back upstairs, to hear grian coughing. Not a normal cough, but a very, dry one.

Taking a deep breath, I walked in. ' she said it was alright. ' he smiled; how could he be in a such bad condition, and have his smile so warm and infectious? I will never know, but I could feel my lips curl into a smile myself. ' I can sleep in the ghee bedroom, or use a sleeping bag and set up in here. ' letting out another dry cough, ' in here. ' I nodded, and went to go collect the stuff I need.


this will have a part 2, but I think this is a good start. :)

Word count: 1084

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