2 Different reasons. ( PT 2 )

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This chapter is a time-skip.
( about 5 months. )

Scars pov.

' grian- it's going to be alright. ' I smiled. It was weak, and I'm sure he knew it to. Grians condition has gotten worse, it advanced. It's been about 5 months. We've done everything we wanted to, we've visited a beach, ( some what ) roller skated, star-gazed, seen a musical, etc.

All of these things, I loved doing it with him. I never do these things, but he made me do it. And I enjoyed it, because I was with him.

As he laid in that hospital bed, my heart slowly sank each time he coughed, or looked at me, pain in his eyes. I wanted to make him better, so we can walk to school together, pass notes on class, skip class that with the one annoying teacher. one last time.

' I'm- ' he coughed. And my heart sank lower. ' I'm scared scar. ' he muttered out, I nodded. I pulled my chair closer to him, and put my hand against his. Grian interlocked our fingers, making sure it didn't interfere with any of the wires or stuff to check his pulse every few seconds.

' I'll be with you, you won't be alone. Alright? ' he nodded, gratefully. He told me before that he was scared to die. He wanted to grow up, get a life. Get a lover. That part made me a little jealous. But, as the months pasted a feeling in my gut kept pestering me. Every. Single. Day.

I was Scared to be think about it, but sometimes I did, the first time, it was late at night. 2 am, 3 am? I was very worried. What if he didn't make it though the night? And he died? I kept tossing and turning. I ended up accidentally staying up all night.

He coughed, the dry cough sending shivers down his spine. He looked so miserable. Why couldn't he be healthy?

the nurse came in, visiting hours were over. I frowned, un-locking our fingers. He sent a weak glance at me. Mouthing a sorry, I had to leave. I walked out of the hospital almost in tears. I had to call my mom to pick me up, since I didn't take my car.

As I waited for her, i wondered if grian was going to make it. I wanted him to, but something grians mom told me, kept nagging at me. ' only 6 months. ' I sighed anger mixing with worry.

I pushed my fingers though my hair. I could visit him all day tomorrow, since it was Saturday tomorrow. I had missed  a lot of the visiting hours due to school. I tried convincing my mother to keep me home today. It didn't work.

' scar! ' a voice startled me. I looked up to see my mom, I waved. ' get in, it's freezing out here. ' I guess it kinda was, I didn't notice it before. ' yeah, ' I responded. opening the door, and got in.

Slipping my phone into my pockets.  The car ride home; was mostly silent besides the music my mom played on the radio. ' how's grian? ' my mom broke the uncomfortable silence.

' it was fine. ' I blankly replied.
' good. ' she nodded.

Once they arrived, she turned the car off and I jumped out. Walking into the house, my cat jellie meowed, brushing up against my leg, ' hey there. ' I smiled, crouching down to pet her. ' how's grian? ' my fathers voice startled me, ' he's fine. ' he nodded and left it at that.

I picked up jellie, petting her back as I walked to my room. My room was a muted green color. With posters, and little painting lining the walls. My desk, was to the right once you walked in, it had little trinkets on them. And books filled the shelves that lined my desk.

' maybe I can bring grian a few books, to keep him busy. ' I suggested softly to jellie, it was somewhat calming to talk to someone other than my parents.

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