My brand new, Flatmate.

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Grian and scar as flatmates!!
Let me know if you want another chapter like this, or any up coming chapters. / and or already up chapters.

And I promise I'm working on that chapter!! It's getting good. So hopefully it'll be out in like a week. So sorry for not posting lately; I haven't had any ideas on what to write.

So sorry if this isn't realistic in any points, let me know what parts aren't, so I can fix them right away.

Scars pov!!! >:D

I smile, as I close the door behind the girl leaving the apartment. Crossing her name off of the list of applicants to be my roommate so the rent was more affordable. no one barely even met my expectations. Which in my opinion, are pretty low.

I checked the time, it was only 5:26 pm. It felt like it was 8:pm.

I closed by eyes for a bit, before a loud knock sounded at the door. Rushing to my feet, I opened the door. Behind the door was a small teenager? Possibly?

They were short, with light brown hair, and they wore a bright red jumper. though they paired it with a black leather jacket with some pride pins, and or bird pins on it. Maybe both?

' sorry- it said only 20 and above. ' I rubbed the back of my neck. That was the age you had to be to apply. ' I'm 29 you dingus. ' I stared for a moment before shuffling to the side to let him in.

' sorry- you look like your 17 maybe 18. ' I chuckle nervously. ' it's fine, happens all the time. ' he flashed a smile. ' good to know I'm not the only one. ' I returned a smile, before offering my hand. ' the names scar, and you are? ' I raised a brow as he shook my hand.
' I'm grian. ' I nodded, pulling away from the hand shake as he did as well.

' so, the rooms are even size. So it would be fair for either room, but I already settled by self over in that room. ' I pointed towards a room, on one side of the apartment. ' but I'm glad to move if that's the room you want. ' he nodded slowly as if he was thinking.

' the apartment itself is a good size, a little small but it's affordable. ' I chuckle a bit to myself. ' the main living space is the kitchen and the living room combined. Each bedroom has its own bathroom. '

grian nodded. Signaling to continue. ' that's basically the entire apartment, I'm still moving in. So it's a little bland, but it won't be for much longer. ' I grin, settling myself on one of the seats that faced the island in the kitchen.

' I do have a little bit of rules, but not many. ' I informed, throughout the tour I've been looking at him. He seemed calm, quiet, friendly and relatively perfect to be my roommate. He just had to accept the offer. He nodded, pulling a small list from his pocket. ' I do as well, but like you said not many. I write them down because I forget. ' he passed it over to me. I scanned the page.

No blasting music in the middle of the night.

Don't use my stuff, like my laptop without permission.

He only had like 6 rules, which were pretty basic. Nothing I had a problem with, which seemed good. Grian was tapping his foot impatiently, maybe from stress or worry. Maybe both? ' all seems good, so if you accept I think you can be my roommate- flatmate? Or- ' I thought before shrugging. ' but yeah, you can move in if you want- ' I flashed a smile, he let out a sigh of relief. ' Finally- I've been searching for weeks. ' I chuckle. ' tell me about it. ' he laughed a little bit as well.

' I'll start moving in, either tomorrow or the next day. But does the other room already have a mattress? Cause I can bring mine- ' he slowly started to ramble. I think this is the most he has ever talked in here. ' nah, my old roommate cub left his. You can use it if you want, if not your open to brining your own. ' he nodded. ' here's your key. '

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