New years!

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so sorry for not posting this sooner!!
This is sorta like a part 2, to " My brand new, Flatmate. " I changed my mind abt the concert. So sorry for anyone who was really excited for that.</3. I changed it because 1, I've never been to concert, so it was likely not gonna be realistic, so it would bother me. And I would
never speak of the chapter again. And 2, is because I can't take song fics / any fic that includes song lyrics, and the characters speaking it / singing it seriously, It cringes me, a lot. 

But, happy new years everyone<3  I hope everyone had an amazing day today. And very quickly, before we go into this chapter, I want to thank everyone to has come this far. I never ever, had ever imagined I would get to 2k views, just thank you, so, so much.  I get so happy for every new comment, or vote. Every single one of you, are amazing. Thank you for reading. Even if the first few chapters sucked, every new writer including authors have bad first pieces. Thank you all, for coming this far,

This will be in grian's pov,

There's some random stuff, before the actual fireworks btw!!)

Grians Pov!!:D

I sat at my desk, light slowly filtering in. I blink some blurriness away. I tap my pencil back and fourth between two fingers, music was, and still is blaring in my ear.

Checking my phone for the millionth time, I look over at the song that's playing. " Scotty Doesn't Know " By Lustra is currently blasting in my ear. Laying my head back against my headrest. I don't know how much time passed before a knock startled me.
Stopping the music, and closing my laptop, I opened my door. ' yeah? '

A small smile, was plastered onto my face as I opened the door, to revel a very dead looking scar. With his head static-y yet somehow combed. ' what do you want for breakfast?' scar repeated, since I didn't hear him before.

" anything, what are you making? " I replied. " scrambled eggs, " scar shrugged, yawning. "I'll make it, you look like you just dead and got revived. " Scar mumbled something I didn't catch, and flipped right back down onto the sofa and closed his eyes.

I chuckled a bit, before grabbing a pan and putting it on the stove.


The eggs were about ready. Turning the stove off, I grabbed two plates, and moved the eggs onto the plates.

Putting the plates on the counter island thingy, I walked around the sofa to wake up scar. " Elf ears, foods ready."

I shook him. He grumbled something.

"cmon, you said you wanted the scrambled eggs, and I made them. " he began to sat up. " I'm up- " he yawned. "Lord have mercy- your hair is a mess. " I chuckled. Scar just grumbled. " I'll fix it later, "I nodded, as I walked towards the island and sat down.

The eggs weren't half bad, could use a little less time on the stove. But neither Scar or I, was complaining. We sat in silence just eating.

Scar jolted like he just realized something.

' Hey gri? ' he asked, a undertone of tiredness still laced his words. ' yeah? '

' do we have fireworks. '

I forgot about that.



" Grian- how could you forget to buy fireworks? Their probably all sold out! "
" I told you- I just forgot! I was under stress. "
" sure."
" it's the truth! "
"next year, I'm coming with you for fireworks. "
"how do you know I'm not moving out? "
"because then I would cry. "

SCARIAN ONESHOTS!!Where stories live. Discover now