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this is fluff, since I've done.. angst.. a lot!! This will be a short little oneshot this time around. >:)
So what if- what if..

song fic?
Just a little idea!! Anyway, 71 views? That fucking insane. Thank you guys so much!! <3
this will be in grians pov!

I yawned, waking up. Blinking, with my blanket half way on the floor. I began stretch. which knocked off my blanket. Practically hopping off my bed I opened the door. The smell of eggs went my way. Walking downstairs to be met with the sight of scar, cooking breakfast. ' morning songbird. ' he smiled. I giggled and waved. ' morning, what are you cooking? ' I tried looking over his shoulder, but I couldn't. ' omelet. ' he simply replied. ' oo~ sounds good. Want me to set the table? ' I suggested. Scar nodded. I hopped onto the counter next to scar, opening the cabinet and grabbing the plates and sheeting them down next to me. ' I'm almost finished. ' Scar said. I nodded, hopping down I placed the two plates on one side. Scar was finished. I placed down two cups and filled them with coke. He smiled as he placed the 2 omelets onto the plates. ' it looks so good! ' I placed the two cups down. Pacing to my seat I waited for scar. ' calm down! Just eat. ' he laughed I nodded. After a minute he waited to see what I thought. ' this is really good! I don't know why you did building instead of cooking. ' I mumbled my mouth still full of food. ' dude- eat with your mouth closed.  ' he shook his head laughing. ' I set up a dinner reservation at uh- a place near by. ' he informed me. ' alright! '



' grian you ready? ' scar shouted downstairs. I was wearing my normal red sweater, with a dress-shirt underneath, and some black jeans.  It seemed fancy so, I grabbed a little bits of jewelry. adding on a ring, with a wing engraved in it. A necklace or two, and some other pieces of jewelry. ' coming! ' I shouted back, rushing downstairs. Scar wore a dress-shirt like me, and light blue jeans as well. ' you look good! ' I smiled. He rubbed the back of head. ' you do two! ' he replied. ' now let's go to this dinner! ' I grinned. He laughed as he opened the door, rushing out, I waited for him to close the door. Walking to our car, he fumbled around before unlocking it. Going around to the passenger side, we began to drive down.

Stopping at a some-what fancy restaurant. I opened the door for him, he smiled and walked in. As we got sat down I didn't see anything I liked, it was all just.. very fancy food like seafood etc. ' I'll have the coke. ' I said as the waitress took our orders. Scar seemed.. more anxious and paranoid than normal. ' you alright scar? ' I smiled at him. We nodded. ' yep. ' he began to change the topic of the conversation. ' what are you ordering? He asked. ' oh- just a normal cheeseburger and some fries. ' scar chuckled. ' what are you getting? ' he looked at the menu for a moment. ' I think.. the Cesar salad. ' he said half- confident, half not. He gave a weak smile and it ended there.
About 45 minutes pasted before we got our food. The ketchup and mustard on the side. Along side the toppings. I grinned as I sneaked a croton ( or whatever their called.. ) away from his salad. Munching down on my burger, scar kept looking back and forth at something. I shrugged. He opened his mouth to say something, but not to. ' scar are you- alright? Your getting weird. ' I said my voice full of worry. ' I'm fine. ' I took a sip from my drink, as scar went to my side. ' scar- ' my voice got cut off, as he bent down on one knee. ' grian, we've been saying for almost 3 years. I don't know i would do without you, I want to be on your life, more than just a boyfriend. So, grian ( last name. ) will you marry me? ' the restaurant grew quiet. I began to tear up. I nodded, ' oh scar. Of course. ' my voice was wobbly. I hugged him tightly. He slid the ring onto my finger. Smiling at him, we took the rest of the food to go.

Wow!! What a fun chapter!! :grins:
I will be busy this Friday and next Friday, so I'll try to get more chapters out. Thank you guys so much for your support!!
Word count: 758.

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