Aha.. what.

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GUESS WHOSE BACK!! again!!👍 anyhow, so sorry about the delay on the chapters. School has been KICKING MY ASS. I've had to do like 15 different presentations:D so that's just amazing. (Note the very obvious sarcasm.) and there's been family drama, plus- my grandma got cancer, got it removed, now we're seeing if it's genetic or not. So yay!! Life has been amazing lately😍. And the internet has been shut off for like a month, but now it's back on, and.. guess who forgot to pay the bill?? My parents!! I can listen to music and I can still read fanfics. These two things have been my sanity.  ENOUGH OF ME RANTING THOUGH. onward to this chapter!!

This may either be really weird, or just really shitty. I'm making this for my personal enjoyment and for the new book, chalice of the gods!! So that's fun. This will be a HermitCraft x percy Jackson thingy. Which means, no, HermitCraft will NOT be on Minecraft, but instead the characters will go to the camp. If that makes sense, this will have some Canon characters like Will Solace. (Bc I love him sm.) Like all of the other chapters, this will be mainly Grian and scar focused on. Enough of me ranting and shit, enjoy!!:D<3 (the characters will be aged down to fit this AU. Feel free to click off if y'all are uncomfortable w/ this!!) There will also be mentions of YHS!

- (grian's pov!!)

My feet hurt, my head is pounding, pretty sure I'm bleeding, but it's okay. It's alright— everything will be okay. I rest my hand against the tree on top of the hill. It hurts to breathe. I almost collapse, but there's yelling, shouting. I- can hear that. Suddenly there's someone next to me, asking if I'm alright. " yeah— I'm good." It hurts to breathe. However they are, they look like my age. So maybe 12? 13? Brown hair, and they have scars. So—many. Their kinda pretty.

" good— that's good. Can you walk? Zeus have mercy. " They say, their tone is worried. They push their hand through their hair, their fingers getting caught on a spot or two. " Cleo— uh, sometime go get Chiron! " They yell. This person, whoever they are, hooked their arm under mine, and helped me down the hill. Because I'm pretty sure I would have flat out fallen on my face if I didn't have help.

" Alright— I'm scar. "They smile at me, I nod, signaling I could hear them. I spotted a girl with ginger hair, coming towards us with a guy in a wheelchair. (A/n: I honestly can't remember if it's Mr, D or Chiron that has the wheelchair, so bare with me. ) the girl looks maybe 2 years older than scar? 14? 15?

I didn't know, so I didn't question it. Scar seemed relieved. " Cleo! " he said, his tone happy to see her. " Hey, new camper? Cleo asked, grabbing me as Scar let go. '' Yeppers, do you think Apollo? Or— Aphrodite? '' Scar asked, naming people, wait no, gods. He was naming gods. " I'm—right here ya'know. '' I wheezed out. " alright, let's save the talking for later. Scar go fetch Solace, he's injured. Cleo, take him to the big house. I'll be with you two in a minute. "

The dude in the wheelchair spoke, I think it was scar that said he's name was Chiron? I can't remember. I wheeze, coughing slightly. " hurry. " Chiron added, and that sent scar fucking running. if it wasn't for the fact that I would most likely wheeze, and cough all over the place, I would have been laughing my ass off.

Before I knew it I was sitting down on an, admittedly, comfortable chair and being fed ambrosia. That was one hell of a tongue twister. Chiron was his name? Kept asking me questions, as this 'Solace' guy, (which I learned his name pretty quickly turned out to be will,) treated my injuries.  " What's your name?" MChiron asked, I hesitated for a moment before deciding, 'screw it!' " grian. " I stated simply. " Do you know what happened to your protector? "

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