Daffodils, lilacs, and a little mischief.

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Thank you @lyriccxii for this request!!
After all of this angst.. we will finally have more fluff!!  This will be a sequel kinda? Like if grian survived the heart disease. Enjoy!!
( this will be in grian's pov!! )

Grian's PoV.
It's been a week since my discharge from the hospital, and scar has been over the moon. And I'm glad.
I find myself laughing at his jokes more often, even if their bad.
I find myself just smiling at him. No matter the circumstances, or the situation.

I've been on bed-rest for a while, / somehow. / scar convinced my mom to let me go outside, for the first time in a week.

                         .              .             .

' scar! Slow down-  ' I heaved, my legs ached with tiredness. I haven't ran in a while.

' right- sorry! ' he called, jogging towards me. as I caught my breath.

' I thought you would enjoy this after being cooped up in your room all day! '  he rambled on, his hands moving along with his words. I felt my once narrowed eyes, soften. 

' I probably will. ' I simply said, once he was done rambling, he took my hand, and gave a soft, yet warm smile if that makes sense.

He led me a little ways down the street, and turned at a corner, we walked and chatted before we stopped. ' close your eyes! ' he said, and so I did.

He grabbed my shoulders, and led me down a slope, I heard the grass crouched under my shoes.

' alright, open! ' he let go of me.

It was a small meadow, but more like a plains?

( if that makes sense. ) 

a little bit in front of me, there was a lot. Of flowers. There was log, long enough for 2, maybe 3 people. And rocks scattered around in a circle in front of it; like there's supposed to be a fire there.

Off to the right, behind the log, a little ways was a good sized stream. Reeds surrounded the river bank.

' scar.. ' my voice trailed off, studying the whole meadow. ' this is beautiful. '  I finished, he walked past me, sitting down on the log.

I joined him,  ' I found it one day, after visiting you in.. ' his voice trailed off. My lips thinned out. ' I enjoyed the books you brought me. ' his face practically lit up. ' how did you like the books? ' I gave a small chuckle. ' I loved them, I really liked skyborn. I loved how their all different types of birds. ' he smiled.

' I'm glad, because I kinda picked them up in rush after.. they called me. ' his voice croaked. ' it's alright to talk about it. ' he nodded, and we sat in silence.

' do you know how to braid hair? ' I used to do them for my mom sometimes. Before I was in the hospital.

' I can try, I might be a little bit rusty. ' I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. He smiled, and sat in front of me. I separated his
/ surprisingly / long hair, into three parts. I began to cross the three sections, until they were smaller, and smaller. ' alright there you go. ' I felt my lips curve upwards into a small smile.

He stood, stretching for a moment. ' thanks grian! ' he shouted.

The sun was now out of view, and instead dusk slowly became darker.
' grian? ' his voice startled me.
' yeah? '
' do you remember, when we went star-gazing, and we danced? ' I smiled, fond of that memory.
' of course. That was the only thing keeping my mood up during my time in the hospital. '

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