Something Unexpected

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That night, Amicia felt sleep elude her for several hours. And when sleep finally did claim her, her dreams were full of a young man shooting her brother with a crossbow like she had seen countless times before. The difference now was the young man was older and turned to her and asked, "Why did you make me do it, Amicia?" The heartbreak on his face made her want to sob. When she didn't answer, he turned and started walking away, disappearing into the void. Calling out, she shot up in bed, and turned to see the very early morning light starting to filter through the dirty window. Clenching her now sweaty blanket, she threw it off and got up. She needed to distract herself! She needed to keep moving! 

Amicia received directions from Eugene after a quick breakfast down in the alehouse. The new Magister's house was on the outskirts of the town within walking distance. Apparently, Magister Jaques liked living a little further away from town than Magister Baude did, almost as if he feared large crowds. She wasn't sure what to think of this new magister since he seemed to receive much praise from everyone, but that didn't mean he was truly good. There was too much experience in her life seeing people that looked supposedly "good" for her to trust him implicitly. And there was also the problem of the sick people being taken.

As she walked out of the old city, she started to see the physical evidence of the sickness mentioned in the alehouse. Some men and women sat outside begging or just slouched over on the walls on the outskirts of the city. She could see boils and black like veins stretching up from the collar of their shirts and dresses. The dead look in their eyes made Amicia shiver. Some even sat in murky puddles as if they couldn't even bother to move a few feet away. Was this an effect of the bite? Was there a Carrier nearby?? She would have stopped to take a look at the sick people, but she needed to find the source. And she had a feeling the young magister had the answer. 

Amicia breathed a deep sigh of relief as she left the town's main gate and tramped into the countryside. The sun was coming up behind her, and she started making her way towards the Magister's house. It would take a bit longer on foot, but she couldn't risk calling any attention to herself as she neared the location. Crossing a few smaller canals and fields, Amicia took in the fields she passed, the morning fog lingering ever so slightly above the ground. The sun shot a few rays through the mist in the early morning hours, some tree lines seen in the distance.

Eventually, she came upon the house she had been told was Magister Jaques' as the fog cleared. The stone house was a decent size but not ornate. Big but not grand. It was perhaps even smaller than she remembered Laurentius' house being, though Laurentius had been much older and experienced than this supposed younger magister. A beautiful glen of trees lined the hill behind the house. Amicia noted a garden nearby with all sorts of herbs and vegetables. An alchemist's haven as she had once heard Lucas describe it. She saw a barn as well, but it wouldn't be big enough to take all those sick people... A smaller building near the barn that looked to be holding some vats of alcohol made her stop for a moment. The memory of the alcohol exploding at Laurentius' old house thanks to the rats came to mind, and she thought that perhaps this young magister was at least wise in this regard. 

Giving the house and barn a wide berth, she looked around the area in search of something that could tell her where all those sick people had gone. Her face was covered by her hood, but she didn't want to be seen at all if she could help it. Even if her skills in sword wielding had improved, she didn't feel like having an entire guard squad after her. Most of them also wore helmets... She could make use of her devorantis, but she didn't want to risk it with so many. Seeing some large tents not far off, her curiosity peaked. Ah, there.

As she neared, she hid behind some big boulders and bushes. The tents reminded her vividly of the army tents she and Melie had snuck around many years prior with the help of Arthur. Though there weren't as many tents here nor a battle occurring. Noting a guard coming her direction, she threw a rock to distract him. Keep moving! Don't let them catch you!

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