Into Hell

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It was time to find answers to this mysterious sickness, though it gave Amicia an all too familiar sense of dread.

Lucas, Amicia, Celine, and Lyam all gathered together in the barn basement in the early morning hours as they discussed plans to go back into town. Time was running out for several of their patients, and something had to be done. If someone was doing experiments in town, they could hold the answer to saving these people.

"But I want to come with you!" Lyam was protesting as they talked around the fire pit, the smoke lifting up into the vent as the last embers lingered. 

Lucas looked like a stern father as he turned to the boy, and Amicia had to remind herself this was the same boy who had cowered in fear of the rats all those years ago. "It's not safe for you, Lyam. Besides, I need someone to stay here and watch the patients in case things get worse while I'm away. I'm trusting you with a lot."

"Are you sure you want me to come with you, Jacques? I'm not sure if we should leave Lyam all by himself..." Celine worried.

"I can do it by myself!" Lyam replied, now looking offended.

Amicia had to hide a smile as Celine pretended to sigh and nod in defeat. "Very well. You are young, but you are wise beyond your years."

"I fear I may need you on this trip, Celine. And Sylvie will be here as well as some of our helpers. Though I want to keep them as far away from the sick as we can." Lucas offered, though he did look guilty leaving such a young boy in charge.

"I told you I can handle it!"

Amicia had her doubts that Lyam could do much if one of the patients started to die like Monsieur Picard had, but this was why Lucas needed answers as soon as possible. Without a cure, they were going to start dropping like flies.

"I will leave my patients in your capable hands, Magister Lyam

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"I will leave my patients in your capable hands, Magister Lyam." Lucas replied, winking at the young women as he did a little bow to his protege.

This seemed to ease Lyam, and he smiled in pride.

The three young adults prepared to make their way to town as the sun started to come up. Lucas dressed like a civilian in his common blue tunic and grey briefs, his dark brown boots looking in need of a cleaning. Sylvie probably would have seen to it if he had been in the house, but Lucas had been avoiding her like the plague, as if he knew how offended she must be that Amicia was still here...

As Amicia, Celine, and Lucas entered the town a half hour later, Amicia knew something was terribly wrong. The symbol of the Inquisition on a yellow banner came into view as they entered the town gates, and Amicia looked to Lucas, terror striking at her core. THESE people had been responsible for the death of her father and had terrorized them for so long. They had almost succeeded in using her brother for their terrible ends... She cursed Vitalis' name.

Lucas saw her fear and bent forward. "Shall we leave?"

Celine looked between them and understanding dawned on her face. Lucas had not minced words when describing their experiences with the Inquisition. Now fear seemed to cross over the young woman's face as well.

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