Epilogue: A Much-Deserved Rest

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE* This does not have smut in it! I have had people complain before, but it is just something I don't write! But it does get rather hot in here...

The Next Day

"Are you sure you have everything?"

Guy just shook his head as he looked up at Amicia, appearing a bit exasperated. "Yes, Mademoiselle Amicia. We've done this many times."

Said mentor sighed, a bit worriedly. "I know, but you're also taking Lyam... And this is the first time you've gone without me..."

"Don't worry so much, Amicia! They'll have me to take care of them!" Olive proclaimed proudly, hands on her hips, eyes shining in assurance.

Lyam just shook his head from where he was getting his bag ready across the cabin room, near the crackling fireplace. "She has a lot of confidence for a six-year-old..."

"Well, she is trained by the Protector after all," Lucas mused, sitting on a chair near the same fireplace, bifocals on, winking at Amicia then going back to his reading.

Lucas was enjoying the show even as he was absorbed in the book he had discovered in his old room in the cabin. Amicia had said she had found it while traveling the seas with Sophia, and she had kept it for him... Even though she hadn't admitted it to herself back then. It was a truly fascinating book about different alchemical ingredients found around the known world, including China! He had left the Sanguinis Iternera with Magister de Nantes, trusting him to keep it safe for now, so he was excited to have another book to burrow into.

Amicia walked the three children to the door, looking slightly nervous, but also excited to see them off. Lucas had the distinct feeling that she had purposely orchestrated this when mentioning town the night before at dinner...

"Remember, head straight home if anything happens. Also remember to keep an ear out for news of the Macula..."

"We know, we know..." Olive sighed, taking her bag from Amicia, and giving Lucas a knowing as they exited the door.

She was rather astute for a young girl...

"Be back in time for supper!" Amicia instructed, making the face a mother would when warning her children not to be late, one hand on her hip and a finger raised.

"We'll be back in time, promise!" Guy called, pushing the other two out the door towards the path.

Lucas smiled as he went back to the book. It had indeed caught his attention and sucked him in. There was so much useful information, including ways to use herbs he had never thought of... He heard Amicia's bedroom door close and looked up to see she must have gone inside. Perhaps she had things to do without the children? Chores? A nap? Though the idea of Amicia napping was amusing at the very least. He still couldn't believe he had kissed her only yesterday... with a few stolen kisses around dinner time and before bed.

He had seen her sending him a signal as she had gone outside to "fetch water" the evening before... and he had followed her outside like the hopelessly love-sick man he was... they had spent several lovely minutes "fetching the water."

Sharing his old, cramped room with the boys the night before had been interesting, but they had made it work... The idea of eventually sharing a bed with Amicia though had made it hard to focus on anything else... and even harder to sleep. Could he really dare to dream that they would spend the rest of their lives together? It was almost impossible to believe after having been estranged for so long. He found himself not even focused on his reading anymore, just staring onto the page blankly.

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