An Uneasy Rest

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Amicia awoke, slightly confused and dazed. Looking around, she remembered with great shock where she was. Lucas' room! In HIS house! In HIS bed! What had she been thinking?? She should leave! This wasn't right! Why had she let herself fall asleep so easily?? And there hadn't been a single nightmare... 

Jolting upright, she gasped a little in pain when she felt her broken leg shift in its splint as she moved to get out of bed, pushing away a soft blue blanket. The room felt very simple for a Magister's residence. Unsurprisingly, there were books and vials all around, and the four-poster bed she lay in was big but not grand, filled with simple straw. However, it was made well and felt so comfortable... Lord, she had missed having a proper bed.

She could see the sun was starting to set by the light of the immaculate lattice window, and she realized leaving now would be impossible. HOW would she even get anywhere with this leg? She was stuck...

Suddenly, the simple wood door opened, and the housekeeper Sylvie came bustling in looking quite put out. "Ah good, you're finally awake! About time! Here's some dinner!"

"Oh... thank you."

"Don't thank me! If I had my way, I'd throw you out here and now!" and Amicia felt that resentment to her core as the woman regarded her. Sighing in defeat, the older woman placed a tray down on the table next to Amicia. "However, the Magister asked me nicely, and I can never say no to him."

"I appreciate it, Mistress Sylvie."

The woman watched her, arms folded as Amicia sat up and started looking through the food. She hadn't eaten this well in a long time... "This looks incredible... More than I deserve."

The woman huffed a little proudly but seemed to straighten in resolve. "I just wanted to say one thing."

Amicia turned her head back to the woman, curiosity blooming. "Yes?"

"There's to be an... understanding between the young Magister and her ladyship any day now. And if you were to ruin said proceedings..."

Amicia's heart felt suddenly very heavy, and she gripped the fork tightly. The news struck her harder than she had anticipated. Was Lucas truly able to move forward even as she was still stuck in the past? "Oh, they're to be betrothed then? I'm so happy for them!"

Sylvie watched her, those dark brown eyes seemed to look into her soul. "Yes, it's been decided for many years now. Though we have waited for the young man to be ready in his own time. Mademoiselle de Nantes has had her heart set on him since the moment they met. They treasure each other... deeply."

"You know the family well then?" Amicia asked, desperately trying to swing the conversation in a different direction. She didn't need nor want to know the intricacies of the couple's relationship... 

"Yes, I was one of their cooks back at the ladyship's childhood home. I'm practically family to them."

"You serve them well."

This seemed to calm the woman slightly, though she still appeared displeased, frown wrinkles showing on her pale face, greying hair starting to come out of her cap. "Yes, and now we have an unmarried woman, strange as she is, in the Magister's bedroom with his intended just upstairs! You know how this will appear to the townsfolk, correct?"

Sylvie most certainly had a point... "Yes, and believe me, I do not wish to impede on them any more than I already have... I'll leave as soon as I am able. I promise, Mistress Sylvie."

Looking a bit relieved, the woman nodded. "Look at me, trying to kick out an invalid... I'm sorry to get so worked up, Mademoiselle Jeanne..."

Amicia smiled in understanding. "It's alright. I know why you're doing so. I'd probably do the same in your place."

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