4. Is it a coincidence?

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As the sound of my alarm blares loudly, I reach over and slam my hand down on the snooze button. Time to start another day.

I quickly get out of bed and make my way to the shower. The water is cold, but it helps wake me up. I spend the next thirty minutes getting ready and dressing in my usual crisp suit and tie.

After grabbing a cup of coffee and a quick breakfast, I head out to my car and drive to the office. The traffic is light this morning, so I made good time and arrive at the building within twenty minutes.

As the CEO of a successful tech company, my days are always busy. Meetings, phone calls, emails, and presentations fill up my schedule. But I enjoy the challenge and the thrill of leading a team that is changing the world with our innovative technology.

I spend most of my day in my office, pouring over spreadsheets, checking in with my team, and making strategic decisions for the company's future. It's a lot of responsibility, but it's also incredibly rewarding.

A knock sounded from my office door followed by Abigail. My secretary. "Good morning Sir" She greeted placing a pile of papers in front of me.

"Morning Abigail" I sticked to short reply. They knew not to misbehave around me.

"Should I get your coffee-"

"No need" She nodded her head and walk out. She didn't shut the door as Brian stepped in.

"Learn how to call before showing up" I threw hissing out.

Brian chuckled as he took a seat in front of my desk. "Sorry man, I figured since we're best friends, I could just barge in whenever."

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to check in on you. It's been a while since we hung out outside of work."

I sighed. Brian was right, it had been a while since we caught up outside of work. But with the demands of my job, it was hard to find time for anything else.

"I know, man. It's just been really busy lately," I said.

"I get it. But you need to take a break every once in a while. You're going to burn out if you keep this up," Brian said, concern etched on his face.

"No one is going to take care of the company if I don't work hard. You know how my father is"
I reminded him. If there's one thing father gets worried on is his company. Too bad he's not in the condition to take care of the company himself. His legs are no longer strong enough for him to walk around.

"And also the prying eyes of other people" Brian added. The other people like my brothers. They're looking for one mistake and they will turn it against me. I once allowed them to control me, I won't do that again. Talking about that, my thoughts wandered to last night. The mysterious woman I met at the reception. To be honest, I didn't expect to enjoy the wedding. I went for the sake of Emily. Emily is my distant cousin. Although we don't keep tabs that much but I wanted to be there on her big day. And obviously because her father has supported our company quite well.

What I didn't expect is to meet the woman. Funny enough, we both didn't know each other's name. It was a steamy night for me. "What are you busy smiling about?" Brian's voice snapped me out of my trance

I cleared my throat. "Remember I attended a wedding last night right?"

"Yeah I do. I was supposed to tag along. But you ditched me" he said with a glare at me.

"So, I met a woman there"

"Don't tell me you..." he trailed off eyeing me suspiciously.

A light smile escaped me. "I didn't plan on venturing into that. But she proposed that herself. I can't say no to free sex can I?"

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