52. His scars

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"Listen, ladies." I clapped my hands together, gaining the attention of Amelia and Sarah. We were seated on the suite balcony, having a group tea after finishing one of the best meals at the restaurant. The two ladies couldn't resist teasing me relentlessly about the amount of food I had eaten. Don't blame me; I wasn't having the massive appetite for myself alone. I have another life growing inside me.

Nevertheless, the teasing from Amelia and Sarah was nothing compared to the way Logan had handled the situation. I felt like the ground should have swallowed me whole. He was the one who had initiated that I eat plenty, even feeding me in the presence of the family. I know we're not doing anything wrong, but he could've at least hidden his pleasure. "By the looks of the atmosphere earlier, the family are enjoying themselves," I said.

Sarah took a sip of her tea and leaned back. "I hope so. Did you see the way Father was all calm? He even made small talk with Quinn and Molly, which is rare."

I had noticed that too. The man might be a man of few words, but he was trying to get along. Although at the end of the meal, he still brought up work-related matters to the men, but that wouldn't stop us from enjoying the days. "You're right. Which is why we shouldn't let our guards down. We should start implementing our next plan," I confessed.

"You mean getting them laid?"

"Sarah!" Amelia chimed in, speaking up for the first time since we sat down. "Are you that desperate to have sex?"

Sarah's eyes darted left to right. "Not really, but what's the need for dragging it? The earlier, the better," she said, a grin appearing on her lips. I shook my head at Sarah's never-ending playful antics.

"No one is stopping you from having sex with Bernard. But we are talking about a serious matter. We can't stop them from talking about work-related matters here. Who knows, they might be in a meeting with Father right now. Which is why we need to come up with activities that will make us busy," I explained.

"Olivia is right. We might be here having our time while they're there talking about work. The activities are what will solve our problems. What will you suggest, Olivia?" Amelia asked, leaning forward.

"I have an idea," I uttered, a smile curving up at my lips. "We are using Father this time around." The two stared at me in confusion, not understanding where my words were heading.

"We'll make a list of places we'll visit. We have a tour guide to take us around. We'll play games, go hiking, take a short trip to other neighboring places. That will take their attention off any work-related matters. Father will be our leader."

The two burst out laughing. "Father? Leader? That man will not agree. Remember he's not here because he wants to."

"He will eventually like the idea. We haven't tried to know whether it will work or not." I was confident enough about all this. Amelia and Sarah might think of my idea as a joke, but I knew we'd get Father on board. I was going to do that.

"Let's just go with our plan and leave the matter of giving Father the leader." Amelia said.

"You guys don't trust that I can make him?" I questioned, lifting my brows. Their smiles faded, seeing the expression on my face.

"You would?" Sarah asked. I nodded my head. "Trust me, I will. You guys should know how stubborn I am at this stage."

"Indeed. I can't wait to see who your baby will take after when it's born. You or Logan. Because that man has a naughty side to him. And you are stubborn." I chuckled in return, liking their compliments. I wouldn't really mind if my baby, whether a boy or a girl, took after me. I wouldn't want my son or daughter to be naughty, but for the stubborn part, we can manage.

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