12.Fractured Trust

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I sounded my fist on Olivia's door while waiting for her to open up. I'm running late. And after what she told me last night, we have to be cautious. My family shouldn't know about it. I have to warn her to be careful. "Oliv-"

And then the door swung open, revealing Olivia in her sleep-rumpled state. I don't know if the rules have been explained to her. "Good morning," she muffled out, yawning. I walked past her into the room, a sense of urgency driving my words.

"We have to be careful," I started, my tone serious. "Last night, you mentioned that Amelia knows about your pregnancy. It's crucial that we keep this information hidden from the rest of the family. They can't find out."

Olivia regained her composure, her eyes meeting mine in disbelief. "You should have informed me that your sister-in-law is a doctor. I wouldn't have agreed to come to your house if I knew that."

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me. "That doesn't matter now. What's done is done. The point is, you need to know how to behave around my family."

"What are you trying to say? That I run my mouth to Amelia?" Olivia's voice held a mix of anger and hurt.

"That's not what I meant," I replied, my tone softer now, realizing the impact of my words. "I just want you to be careful, Olivia. We can't afford any slip-ups that could expose our secret."

She looked at me, her expression hardened. "When you took me to your bed, did you ever think about the consequences? Just because I'm carrying your baby doesn't mean I'll blindly abide by every rule. I'm here for my baby, not for your family or you."

Her words hit me like a blow, and frustration welled up within me. I took a deep breath, trying to maintain my composure. "Let's just drop this discussion for now," I said, my voice tinged with exhaustion. "You should get some rest."

I turned to leave, not bothering to close the door fully. But before I could step away, her voice reached my ears. "I'm not sick."

Her words lingered in the air, carrying a weight of defiance and self-assurance. It struck a chord within me, reminding me that she was more than just a bearer of my child. She was an individual with her own strength and determination.

I closed my eyes briefly, letting her words sink in. Despite our differences, we shared a connection through our unborn child, and it was my responsibility to support her in this journey.

As I made my way to the car, my brother Liam approached me. "Logan, can I join you on the ride today?"

"I don't remember us sharing cars before. You have yours. I'm running late" I replied firmly, emphasizing that we each had our own vehicles. I didn't have the time or energy to entertain his company at the moment.

Liam seemed taken aback by my response but nodded understandingly. "Alright, no problem. Catch you later, then," he said with a shrug before heading towards his own car. I watched him go, feeling a mix of relief and unease.

With Liam out of the picture, I entered my car and started the engine, my mind still preoccupied with the discussion I had with Olivia. It was becoming increasingly clear that things were not going to be as easy as I had initially thought.

I entered my office, shutting the door behind me, seeking a moment of solitude. The room was adorned with pictures of my family, a constant reminder of the responsibilities and expectations that came with being a part of the Nero household. The weight of those expectations now felt even heavier with Olivia's presence in my life.

A knock sounded on the door followed by the appearance of Abigail with a stack of papers in her hand. She dropped them on the desk. "Good morning Mr. Logan"

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