28. Jealousy incarnate

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After what happened between Logan and I last night during our conversation, I decided to just go with the flow. Yeah, I know I'm still struggling with my insecurities, but I'll try not to push him to do something he doesn't want to. He already said it himself that he feels like I'm forcing him. So, I'll focus on myself instead of trying to create something between us. As usual, I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, and got ready to start a new day.

The reason I called Logan was to ask if he could come with me to the hospital. The doctor wants to see my husband or fiancé, as she put it. I don't know what she wants to talk to him about, but I'll come up with something. The dining table was filled with the family members as always. I quietly took my seat, stealing a brief glance at Logan. The look we exchanged held unspoken words. I tried my best to concentrate on the breakfast in front of me. At least, the silence at the dining area was somewhat helpful. It felt like a funeral announcement had been made.

No matter what, I can't ignore the fact that the family lacks bond. No one is making an effort to connect with each other. If this is how they are, how will my child grow up in an environment where everyone only cares about themselves? Is it worth it?

Scott was the first to leave the dining table, announcing he was off to work. His wife Sarah followed suit. That's how, one by one, they left the dining hall. Mr. Nero was the last one left, seated with his wife and me.

I had finished eating, but my legs felt too heavy to stand up. A part of me wanted to say something, while another part warned me not to get involved in affairs that doesn't concern me. "Bring a cup of tea to my room," Mr. Nero finally broke the silence, standing up. I thought I saw a hint of sadness in the woman's eyes, which she quickly masked with a smile.

"Excuse me," she said, pulling the chair back and making her way to the kitchen. I don't know what has caused this awkwardness within the family. Why don't they communicate with each other as a family? Nevertheless, I felt the need to find out and maybe mend what was broken.

With that thought in mind, I made my way to the kitchen where I found the woman preparing the tea for Mr. Nero. "Um... let me help," I offered.

"No, it's fine. He doesn't like his tea made by just anyone," she replied, her eyes distant. I didn't move.

"Can I ask you something, Ma'am?" I said. She spared me a glance before going back to what she was doing. "Go ahead, ask away."

I took a deep breath, careful not to be too forward with my question. "I know it's not my place to meddle in this family's affairs, but I feel like the sons are not getting along with their father."

Her hand froze on whatever she was doing, and I knew I had touched a sensitive topic. "I'm sorry for-"

"You're right. There's no bond between the sons and their father," she said, cutting me off, and then turned to face me.

I closed my slightly open mouth, surprised by her straightforward response. "But that's not something I can control."

I raised my eyebrows in question. "Aren't you their mother? Can't you sit down and talk to them?"

A smile appeared on her face. "No, Liam and Collins are my sons. Scott and Bernard are from the same mother. And then Logan is the only son to his mother."

"Complicated, right?" She added, seeing the surprise on my face. So, the four men have different mothers? I thought she gave birth to all of them.

"I have no say, even if I want to. After all, I'm the third choice. So, just ignore whatever is going on in the family. We're already used to it," she said, grabbing the tea cup and leaving the kitchen, leaving me in a state of confusion.

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