18. Chicken Closure

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I felt relief occupied me that I was able to sign off the deal that I have been dragging with my client for the past three weeks. Had to travel to Germany to get the deal done. As I made my way out of the airport towards the car that was waiting for me, I let out a breathe of relief. I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. At least for the coming weeks if not months, I won't have to stress over dragging with clients. What I would do is to monitor our project.

My thoughts wandered off to Olivia as we stopped at the traffic and I glanced at the window seeing a restaurant. Unknowingly I found myself smiling recalling how she attacked the chicken the other night. I didn't talk to her yesterday before I left knowing she would be caught up with taking care of the clinic. And then the meeting was sudden, I didn't have time to prepare for anything.

As the red light turned green, the driver ignite the engine away. Just then my phone rang with Scott's call. "I'm already back. I'm on my way home" I said ending the call without waiting for what he had to say again.

Arriving at the familiar driveway, I parked the car and took a deep breath before stepping out. The front door opened, and Scott appeared with a warm smile on his face. It was good to see a familiar face after a long trip.

"Welcome back, Logan," Scott greeted me, patting me on the back. "How was the trip?"

"Long but successful," I replied with a sense of accomplishment. "I finally signed off on the deal we've been working on. It's a relief."

"That's great news," Scott said, genuine happiness shining in his eyes. "We're proud of you."

As we entered the house, I couldn't help but notice the absence of Olivia. The atmosphere seemed quieter than usual. "Where's Olivia?" I asked, trying not to let my concern show.

Scott's expression shifted slightly, his brows furrowing. "She's in her room. I think she had a rough day yesterday. There was some argument between Sarah and Amelia, and she got caught in the middle of it."

My heart sank as I processed the information. Olivia must have been through a lot, and I wasn't there to support her. I made my way up the stairs, my footsteps heavy with guilt and worry.

Standing in front of Olivia's door, I hesitated for a moment before knocking gently. "Who's that?" Her voice resonate from the other end .

I prepared myself only for her voice to revamped again. This time around in a pissed off tone. "If you're not going to talk please leave" At some point I should be pissed off at her harsh response but then I found myself shaking my head with a smile before pushing the door open

As I entered Olivia's room, I found her sitting on the edge of her bed, her eyes widened in surprise as she saw me. I couldn't help but notice the slight blush that tinted her cheeks, and it made my heart skip a beat.

"Logan," she said, her voice softening, "I didn't expect to see you here."

I closed the door behind me and took a step closer, a warm smile gracing my face. "You didn't check who it was yet you're getting angry"

Olivia rolled her eyes. "At least I'm not the type that disappears without a word"

I trekked my way towards her. "Are you worried Miss Olivia?" I said with an amused smile.

"Worried? No I'm not. I'm just saying" she turned her face towards the other side and that was when I noticed the mark on her cheeks. I abruptly touched her face my brows furrowing. "What happened to your face?"

As I gently touched Olivia's cheek, concern filled my eyes. The realization of the mark on her face made my heart sink, regret seeping into my voice. "Did someone hurt you?"

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