14. Whispers of deception

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I thought I would be able to go back to sleep but as soon as I heard the knock from the door followed by the maid voice, I know my sleep will be short lived.

"Yeah, I will be on my way now" I yelled out before she could announce to me. I'm ready for them today. I'm definitely going to break a rule today. That one is for sure. And Logan will have to bear the consequences for that.

As I finally mustered the courage to get out of bed, I walked straight to the bathroom and took a shower before I embark on the journey to the kitchen. Only for me to see the maid there. I wonder why they choose to hire one maid. Is it because of the so called tradition. "Where are the rest?" I asked her.


"Amelia has left for the hospital. I'm the only one here. Looks like you've gotten ready for the today already" Sarah access my body as she stepped into the kitchen. I couldn't help but be cautious of how her eyes raked my body.

I shrugged off Sarah's comment, trying not to let her judgmental gaze affect me. "I just wanted to be prepared for the day ahead," I replied, mustering up a confident smile.

She chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Well, Olivia, you're certainly not wasting any time. But let me remind you that there are certain rules and expectations in this house. It would be wise for you to remember them."

I scoffed inwardly, not wanting to show any signs of vulnerability. "I'm well aware of the rules, Sarah. But I also believe that some of them are unnecessary. I'm not going to conform to everything just because it's tradition."

She raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by my boldness. "You may have some courage, Olivia, but don't underestimate the power of family and tradition. It runs deep in the Nero blood."

I held her gaze, refusing to back down. "I understand that, but I also believe that there should be room for compromise. After all, I'm just here for a purpose. Not really a member of the family"

We shared a heated gaze. I was the first to tore my gaze away clapping my hand together. "I guess we shouldn't start our morning bad. I can see you have nowhere going this morning." My eyes raked her body. She was still wearing her nightgown. "I'm leaving work by 10am" with that I turned to the maid to take off work.

We work almost in silent. The glance we kept advancing at each other being our conversation. If they think they have equal right in the house, so do I. I'm married to Logan and carrying his child. Just that it is unknown to them.

We set the table before the rest of the members made their presence known. "Olivia, I haven't tasted the food yet but my mouth is already watering" Logan's step mother uttered as she sat down on her usual spot. She was looking all dashing. Should I add that she looked young to be mother of the grown up men. I forced out a smile. "Thank you Ma'am"

As Logan's father join the breakfast, total silence was maintained all through. Maybe it is also part of the so called rules and traditions that no words should be spoken while eating. Although it's part of table manners.

I observed the tense atmosphere at the breakfast table, feeling the weight of unspoken expectations hanging in the air. As the others began eating in silence, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It seemed that every action and word was being carefully monitored, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was walking on thin ice.

Logan's stepmother, Mrs. Nero, broke the silence with a gentle smile. "Olivia, dear, could you pass me the salt, please?"

I nodded, reaching for the salt shaker and passing it to her without a word. The interaction felt superficial, lacking any genuine connection or warmth. It was as if we were all playing roles, adhering to the predetermined script of this family's dynamics.

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