15. Confronting conflicts

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Today had been one hectic day for me. First of all, I didn't get enough sleep. Only I know the amount of rage that filled me when my phone rang in the middle of the night, waking me up from the sleep I struggled to create for myself. It took every ounce of patience within me not to storm to Olivia's room and give her a piece of my mind.

Living with anxiety has always made falling asleep one of the hardest things for me. The medication that Amelia prescribed used to work, but now it feels like the anxiety has overpowered its effects. It's a constant battle, and it leaves me feeling exhausted and on edge.

Secondly, the meeting with the investors was beyond stressful. Running a business isn't easy. There are constant challenges, ups and downs, and today was no exception. Negotiations, financial projections, and high expectations weighed heavily on my shoulders. It's a delicate balancing act, trying to secure deals while maintaining the stability and growth of the company.

As I finally returned home, fatigue consumed me, both physically and mentally. I couldn't shake off the mix of emotions swirling within me. Frustration, and a tinge of fear danced in my mind. How did we end up here? How do I navigate the complexities of this situation?

Much to my expectations, Olivia was absent from the dining room. It couldn't be that she was planning on ordering food instead of eating together with the family. The thought gnawed at me, fueling my frustration more.

Taking my usual spot at the table, I proceeded to dish out the food, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy.

The room felt emptier, the atmosphere tinged with an unspoken tension.

"Logan, I thought you were coming back together with Olivia," Sarah's voice broke the silence. I shot her a questioning look, puzzled by her assumption. "I don't get you. I don't remember us leaving together this morning."

"Well, because you brought her to this house and she's not yet back, so I'm wondering if maybe you're coming back together," she explained, her words laced with curiosity.

So she's not back yet? The realization struck me. I tried to conceal my concern, not wanting to let Sarah or anyone else see the impact the situation had on me. I focused on my food, hoping to distract myself from the growing unease.

"I'm sure she would be back. It's not yet 10 PM," I replied, forcing confidence into my tone. Something flickered in Amelia's eyes, a hint of knowing, yet she didn't say anything. I was relieved that no one pushed further with my question, allowing the subject to hang in the air.

The rest of the meal passed in an uncomfortable silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts. When our father stood up, breaking the stillness, a sense of apprehension gripped me. "Meet me in my study room when you're done eating, Logan," he said, his tone serious and commanding. I knew it had to be about the meeting today. I had already briefed him earlier about the difficulties I faced with the investors and their unwillingness to negotiate.

With a mixture of determination and anxiety, I excused myself from the table and made my way to the study room. The hallways felt eerily quiet, shadows dancing on the walls, mirroring the uncertainty that lingered within me.

As I approached the door, I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for whatever awaited me on the other side. The familiar scent of the study engulfed me as I stepped inside, greeted by the sight of my father, sitting behind his desk, his expression stern yet composed.

He wasted no time and went straight to the point, addressing the challenges with the investors. "Logan, if these investors are not ready to negotiate, then we shouldn't waste our time with them. Remember, it is they who seek us, not the other way around. Our company's success speaks for itself."

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