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"So, are you guys ready for today's adventure?" I cheered, casting Sarah and Amelia a look. We had agreed to meet the rest downstairs together with the tourist guide who would take us around the places we'd visit.

"More than ready," Sarah grinned excitedly. We were all dressed comfortably. Sarah and Amelia, of course, had their faces dolled up, but I didn't go for anything flashy. With my big baby bump, I wouldn't be comfortable wearing a tight dress. I went for a maxi dress and sandals, comfortable enough for the walk around.

We headed out together with Sarah and Amelia's daughters. The rest were already waiting for us in front of a big bus. "Here we are." I cheered, walking towards a good-looking Logan—handsome should fit him. The first thing I noticed was his new hairstyle.

"Not bad," I mused, eyeing him closely. Casual outfits suited him. Wait... the color of his shirt is the same as the prints of my dress.

"Did you wear the same outfit as me on purpose?" I whispered. He glanced from his shirt to mine and a smile crept on his lips.

"A sign to show we're a match made in heaven." He winked. I rolled my eyes in return. I took my time to spare each of the members a look. Mr. Nero and his wife weren't looking bad. The man also went for casual wear. Did I forget to mention he was wearing a cap, making him look younger amidst his sons?

My heart warmed up with excitement at how the day would turn out. The tourist guide, Karen, cleared his throat as his eyes fixed on his tablet phone. We had met up with him earlier to give him the list of things we wanted to do on our stay in Costa Rica. He'd help us find the best places to spend our time.

And again, father will still be the leader. I should have gotten a tag that will indicate that.

Olivia, don't exaggerate it too much. Him agreeing is even enough. "The first tour for today is to visit the National Park," Karen announced.

"We'll be visiting the Manuel Antonio national park. It is one of the most popular and renowned national parks in Costa Rica." He explained.

"I won't spoil the fun for you, but trust me, you won't want to come back home." He added with a light grin.

"We don't mind. As long as we get to enjoy ourselves. Lead the way!" Sarah cheered in a loud voice. We all hopped inside the bus. Each couple took their desired seat. Logan and I sat beside the window side.

"Make sure you keep a closer watch on Molly and Quinn," Father warned, sparing Sarah and Amelia a glance.

"Don't worry, Father. They will stick around at all costs," Amelia assured. The man cleared his throat before turning his face straight ahead.

"Don't you think father looks good in casuals?" I said to Logan, whose eyes were outside the window.

"I've been admiring him too. He even wore a cap to show us he's a fresh-blooded man too." Logan chuckled at his own statement.

I smacked him lightly on the shoulder. "Stop talking behind his back. I will tell him." I warned.

"You didn't even compliment your own husband," he said, pushing his lips forward in a pouty way. I didn't fail to grin at the way he did it.

"Seriously, Logan. Don't act like little Quinn or Molly." He said nothing and even turned his face towards the window. My grin widened. I liked it when he's acting all cute towards me.

"Okay, I'm sorry. My husband is the most handsome man among the rest here. You've even surpassed me in dolling yourself up." I said, holding him by the arm.

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