49. Taming Scott

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"Nurse Elena, I'm sure you guys would be able to handle the work without me. Doctor Jordan is there, isn't he?" I pointed out. Nurse Elena and I work together at the hospital. She had called to complain about the workload the head doctor was giving them. Normally, I was the one who always backed them up whenever Doctor Samuel, the head doctor, decided to let his demons show.

The man is the epitome of rudeness. He snaps at every little thing. I don't blame him though, since the hospital belongs to his elder brother, so he thinks he can control the people around him. However, my case was different. I don't allow him to step on me or any other person from the higher-ups. I have been working at the hospital for three years straight with no rest. Now that I decided to cut myself some slack, they still didn't want to allow me. The only person that will snap at me and I would be okay with it, is Doctor Jordan. I'd call him my mentor because he had helped me in every possible way at the hospital. A man with a golden heart.

I was brought back to reality by Nurse Elena's voice. "Ma'am, can you at least reduce the break days? Please." Elena pleaded, but I had already turned in my request and the days I needed for the break. I can't reverse it just because Doctor Samuel is giving them a hard time.

"I don't have to back you up on literally everything Elena. It's high time you stand up for yourselves. Don't pressure Doctor Jordan too much." I warned. I know how Nurse Elena and the rest can be. They knew Doctor Jordan is the only one who can talk to Doctor Samuel, and that was because Doctor Jordan had been with the hospital during Doctor Samuel's parents' time. You could say he had been in the hospital for a long time.

"Mummy, read this for me." Quinn tugged at my dress.

"Go to Daddy. He will read it for you." I said, pushing her towards Scott, who was busy working on his laptop. His eyes barely leaving the laptop screen.

"So... as I was saying, Elena, I won't cut off my break just because of you guys. I'm taking this break for my mental health and also to spend more time with my family." As I said the last word, I turned to look at Scott. Quinn was still standing with her storybook while Scott's eyes were still glued to the laptop as if he hadn't seen her standing there. Seriously?

"I'm hanging up. Take care of yourselves. And remember, don't pressure Doctor Jordan, or you won't like what I will do to you guys when I get back to work." I threatened.

Elena's chuckle followed from the other end. "Noted, Doctor Amelia. Take care of yourself. My regards to our little princess, Quinn." As I ended the call, I heaved out a deep breath before dropping my phone on the vanity mirror, which I had been sitting on, and walked towards Scott and Quinn.

"Tell your mom to read it for you. I'm busy." Were the words I heard as I approached the bed. Quinn's face fell as she looked at me. Scott didn't seem to bother about the sadness in his daughter's eyes.

"Come here, my princess." I gestured, pulling out my hand. The expression on her face slightly wavered.

I sat her down next to me and reached for the storybook, flipping through the pages. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess..." I commenced reading out the content. Quinn's body relaxed as I read out each dialogue from the storybook, more like I was singing.

With only two pages, Quinn's eyes began dropping. I moved the book from my lap and gently laid her on the bed, pulling the covers up to her body. Her heavy breathing was enough to tell she had fallen asleep. A smile left my lips. Quinn is a fast sleeper.

The smile on my face faded as I stood up, ready to confront a busy Scott. "You know the least you could do is read just a few lines." I said, careful not to raise my voice, even though I was angry inside.

"What do you mean?" Scott questioned, his eyes briefly meeting mine before they dropped down to the laptop screen once again. An annoyed chuckle escaped me. Without thinking, I closed the laptop lid, making Scott look at me in confusion.

"What is the meaning of this, Amelia?" He snapped, keeping the laptop by the side.

"Exactly what I want to know. I fail to understand where our lives are heading now, Scott. You don't give me the time anymore. You're always glued to your work." Maybe it is high time I pour out my heart to address the looming problem.

"Not now, please, Amelia. I have a lot on my plate. The company-"

"The company?" I repeated, my annoyance clearly visible. At that moment, I didn't care whether my voice would wake Quinn up. Scott needed to know the problem I was facing. "The company has always been your priority, Scott. Don't you get tired? Can't you see the way Logan and Olivia behave? He even took a break from the office workload to support her. But-"

"Logan is different. He has his project, and I have mine. Just because he took a break doesn't mean I have to." I raked my hands through my hair in frustration. Arguing with Scott had been one of the toughest things to do.

"I have responsibilities that are not to be handled lightly with."

I stared at him in disbelief. "What about your responsibilities to your family? You didn't even cast a look at Quinn when she wanted you to read her a storybook. How long will you be your father's puppet?" Maybe my words had struck a nerve. Something flashed in his eyes, like realization.

I used the chance to warm up the conversation. I occupied the spot next to him, reaching for his hands. "We need you, Scott. I want my Scott back. The man who put me and Quinn before anything. I can't seem to see him in you now." I hushed out my voice, carrying nothing but emotions that had gathered inside me, seeking a way for release.

"Amelia, I-" I shut him up by tightening my hold on his hand.

"I don't want our marriage to have loopholes. I don't want to lose you. You know..." I started again, taking a deep breath.

"I was really ashamed of myself when Quinn came back home with a prize from her speech. If Olivia and Logan hadn't gone there, don't you think Quinn will resent us? We don't give the attention a daughter needs from her parents. Olivia isn't her mother, but she went the extra mile to put a smile on our daughter's face. Olivia is making a change in the family, which is a good thing. But nobody cares. Not the father or his brothers."

My words had stirred something in him. His face fell. However, I went on again. I needed to reach my peak first. "I don't know how you'd take this, Scott, but I'm envious seeing the way Olivia is working her way into this family. And I don't blame her. The bond is lacking. You can't keep on with the way father is treating you." I ended, hoping it would at least be an eye-opener for Scott.

I waited for his reaction. Some part of me wished he'd say something reasonable. I held my breath when Scott's eyes fell on me. He took a deep breath. "You're right, Amelia. Our daughter needs our attention," he said, his eyes going to our sleeping daughter.

A smile broke on my lips. "So..." I trailed off, raising my brows. "Does that mean you will take a break from work?"

"A break?" He repeated, his brows creasing. I leaned forward, pressing my body against his. He was taken aback by my action. It's not like it's our first time. Maybe because we haven't been really affectionate with each other lately.

I took him even more by surprise when I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You need a break to take your mind off all the stress. A time alone with your wife. You know..." I leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek. Scott shifted in his seat.

A burning need suddenly grew inside me. I can't remember the last time Scott and I had sex. At that moment, with my arms around his neck, I felt the urge to make love to him. To have his hands run all over my body. To remind me of the days we used to be so madly in love. I wanted that so badly now. "Why don't we go on a trip?" I finally dropped the main news.

"Me and the ladies have already planned everything; we only need your consent. Tell me you are not going to decline." I warned. I know how Scott can be. I might try to seduce him, and in the end, he'd still not agree.

This time around, he rendered me speechless when he captured my lips with his. We shared a deep kiss. Scott was the first to pull away. His eyes were filled with desire, the same intensity I was feeling. It was as if our desires were mirroring each other. "Fuck everything! We're going on the trip!" And he crashed his lips on mine, harder and hotter.

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