20. Ex-encounter

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Logan took me to a fancy yet calm restaurant just exactly how I want it. I don't desire too much crowd. A waiter approached us. "Good afternoon. What would you like to order" the young boy asked politely.


"Just give us the menu. We'll let you know when we finish selecting" the young boy nodded before sauntering away. After some a minute or two, he came back with the menus.

"Here Sir" he passed the two menu to Logan.

"So.... Let's see" Logan trailed off. I was expecting him to pass the menu to me yet he's doing another thing.

"What are you doing?"

"Ordering for us of course"

"Yes I know. But why are you holding both the menu to yourself?"

A small smile resonate from his lips. "I'm ordering for both of us"

I rolled my eyes at his remark. "How would you know what I want to eat. On top of that, how would you know the food that are supposed to be taken as a pregnant woman?" I threw the question at him

Logan chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, Olivia, I may not know your exact food preferences, I've done some research on the dietary needs of pregnant women," he explained, his voice laced with sincerity.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his response. "Oh, really? And what have you discovered?"

He leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "For starters, I know that it's important for you to have a balanced diet, with a focus on nutrient-rich foods. So, I've taken that into consideration while selecting the dishes."

I couldn't help but feel a combination of surprise and appreciation. Logan had gone the extra mile to ensure my well-being, even in something as simple as ordering a meal. It touched me in ways I couldn't quite put into words.

With a smile, he continued, "I've chosen a dish that includes lean protein, vegetables, and whole grains. It's a balanced option that should provide you with the necessary nutrients while still being delicious."

I was quite impressed by his thoughtfulness and attention to detail. "Alright, I'll trust your judgment then," I conceded, a playful glint in my eyes. "But remember, if the dish doesn't meet my expectations, I reserve the right to give you a hard time."

Logan laughed, his warm laughter filling the air. "Deal, Olivia. I'll take responsibility if it falls short."

As we handed back the menus to the waiter, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the meal that awaited us. It wasn't just about the food itself, but the thoughtful gesture behind it. In that moment, I realized that this was yet another glimpse into the depths of Logan's character, his ability to care and consider others.

As we sat there, waiting for our meal to arrive, our conversation flowed effortlessly. The initial awkwardness had dissolved, replaced by a comfortable ease between us.

As our food arrived, the aroma wafted through my nostrils. This time around I made sure I eat slowly to avoid Logan making fun of me later on. I was devouring the dessert when a laughter broke from behind. As soon as I turned around, my eyes met with Alex by his side is his wife Emily. Bitterness settled at the pit of my stomach seeing the two. I know Alex has found happiness with another woman, I should do that too. However, seeing him with her always brings back memories.

As if Logan notice my changed mood. I felt his hand engulfing mine. "Don't allow him to see through you" he whispered. That was when I realized Logan knows about Alex. That was how it started. With him trying to help me at Alex wedding.

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