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Breaking down in tears caught me off guard. The tears seemed to flow without my consent. Was it due to Logan's persistent efforts to comfort me or the realization of the new side I had discovered in him? I couldn't pinpoint the exact reason behind my tears. Logan was insistent on understanding, but I reassured him that I was fine.

"Hello ladies," a tall figure, Jamie, strolled into the clinic with two paper bags in her grasp. I gave her a sidelong glance. "I brought chicken wings," she announced.

"Chicken wings, really?" I quipped, interrupting her enthusiasm.

"Fine then, maybe I should just leave," she teased, grabbing the bag as if she meant to go. I didn't make a move to stop her, knowing full well that she wouldn't actually leave.

I cleared my throat. "Well... I can handle it, you know. My baby seems to tolerate chicken," I added, giving my belly a gentle rub.

"You're pregnant, ma'am!" Lisa's voice was loud, causing both Jamie and I to look at her. Of course, she'd be shocked. She doesn't know I was pregnant.

"When?" Lisa continued, moving closer to us. We were both seated on the waiting area couch.

"Stop with all the questions. If you look at my baby bump, you'll know I'm not in the early stages. And to answer your next question, Logan is the father." I decided it was time to let Lisa in on the truth. I didn't want her to see me as someone who casually engages with various men.


"What was that?" I quizzed, noting the smile tugging at Lisa's lips.

"I'm just happy that you and Mr. Logan are... you know," she trailed off.

"Spit it out, Lisa," I demanded, a hint of irritation in my tone.

"I apologize, ma'am. I meant to say you and Mr. Logan are dating," she clarified, her lips now forming a thin line. Were we dating? We were both aware of our feelings, so did we really need to label it?

"See how you blush at the mere mention of his name. You're whipped, girl!" Jamie chimed in. I shot her a scowl.

"I'm not. We're still taking it slow," I defended.

"Taking it slow? Logan should be thankful he acted quickly. I would've given him a piece of my mind. You two obviously have feelings for each other, but you kept holding back," Jamie stated candidly.

She was right. The connection was established from the very beginning. The way he held me back at Alex's wedding, the unusual feelings that stirred that night – the bond was there right from the start. I let out a sigh, leaning back against the couch. Jamie and Lisa began digging into the chicken wings, breaking the silence.

"Now the family knows about us," I remarked,

"That's a good thing. Secrets can't remain hidden forever. I'm genuinely happy for you, Liv," Jamie reassured me with a comforting touch on my hand.

"Maybe you're right. But there are still challenges ahead. They're unaware of the marriage," I admitted.

"Then you should tell them. Better to reveal everything at once," Jamie suggested.

I wished it were that simple. Lisa glanced between Jamie and me, her curiosity evident. "Do you want some privacy to talk?" she inquired.

There was no need to hide this conversation from Lisa. She might not be privy to all the details, but Lisa wasn't naive. "No need, Lisa. Actually, I could use some advice," I replied, leaning slightly forward.

" I'm considering whether I should leave the Nero house and return to my own life or stay and assert my rights as Logan's wife. I feel like there's hardly a bond between Logan and his family."

The Billionaires's Temptation (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now