41. Taking a stand

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"Get rid of her," my father's voice shattered the silence that had enveloped his study room. It was the early hours of the day, before breakfast had even been served. I had been summoned here urgently, and I had a feeling that this conversation was not going to be pleasant.

"What do you mean?" I asked, maintaining a calm exterior. There was no way I was going to allow Olivia to bear the brunt of my family's anger alone.

"Olivia," he spelled out her name, his tone heavy with disapproval. "You don't expect me to simply ignore this situation, do you?" I understood my father's perspective well enough. He always acted in his own best interests, making decisions that would benefit him. That's how things worked in our family. We rarely questioned him, but this time, I felt compelled to take a stand.

"She's not going anywhere," I asserted firmly. Surprise flickered across my father's face, clearly not anticipating this response from me. I was challenging his authority, and it was evident in his reaction.

"Olivia is my wife," I stated plainly, determined to stand my ground. My father's disbelief was palpable.

"She's your what?" he exclaimed, his disbelief turning into anger.

I shifted in my seat, taking a deep breath. "We got married before she came to this house."

"You must be out of your mind, Logan! You made that decision without consulting anyone in this family?"

"Would I have received a better reaction if I had consulted you first?" I countered, my tone steady.

"What a shocking news," he muttered, taking a sip of his morning tea. I remained composed, waiting for his next words. I was prepared for any reaction.

"It is indeed shocking, but I don't regret my decision. I believe it's the right thing to do, taking responsibility."

"By marrying her secretly or by indulging in a reckless affair?" he retorted, his words sharp and biting. The bitterness of his tone stung.

"I wasn't engaging in a reckless affair. I'm not like you," I responded, not holding back. I knew I was touching on a sore point.

"What are you insinuating? Watch your words. Remember your place."

A bitter chuckle escaped me. "My place? I'm the son from your second marriage, the one who always complies with your orders."

"Are you still dwelling on the past? Your mother wasn't the first or the last."

"Yes, I know. But she was the first woman you promised to marry and left hanging until you married your first wife," I said, a tinge of resentment slipping into my words. I hadn't meant to bring up that painful history, but a part of me couldn't ignore the fact that my father had neglected my mother. My mother had made me promise that I wouldn't hold a grudge against my father, and I intended to keep that promise. Yet, there were moments when I found it difficult not to blame him, to not feel the weight of the past.

Yes, my parents got divorced when I was twelve. It happened on my twelfth birthday during a heated argument between them. It was a significant fight that revealed a different side of my father, one I hadn't seen before. I witnessed him driving my mother out of the house. Despite our close bond, she couldn't leave without taking me with her. However, my father managed to gain custody of me. I pretended to be unaffected by the entire situation, putting on a facade of acceptance.

His voice brought me back from the trance in ventured into. Allowing history to repeat itself is the last thing I would want to do. Not to Olivia. "You are part of the Nero family. You should act like one. Scott and Bernard aren't complaining" he said.

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