aint no punk

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august 20th

baby laid in mannys bed as he caressed her back.

"ion wanna go bae" he was referring to hanging out with amani. ever since they started dating manny couldn't bare to leave baby by herself. he would have to when it was time for him and his friends to work but he always came right back to her.

"we don't have to go" baby replied sneaky trying to keep her boyfriend in the bed

"i got to. i told him we'a look at sun shit together" he said before groaning. he slowly rolled out of the bed before he beckoned baby to him. she got out the bed and walked to the boy.

he grabbed her back and pulled her in for kiss. it started to get sloppy as baby put her hand on his chest. rubbing through his white tee. he grabbed her ass before pulling her closer as she moaned in his mouth.

"chill" he said as he pulled away laughing. baby rolled her eyes before he smacked her ass. "go get niya" he said as she put on his shoes.

baby grabbed her stuff before walking up the stairs to taniya's room. she opened the door before seeing girls sitting on taniya's bed. tati and the rest of her friends were over but she didn't see kash. "your brother wanted to know if you coming to my house?" she asked taniya before looking at the rest of the girls. "y'all are invited too" baby finished

"you fuckin with big m? how the fuck you pull that off" one of the girls asked baby. she just laughed waiting for taniya's response.

"yeah i'll come. just let me put some clothes on" she replied 

baby came into the room and sat on the bed with the rest of the girls. they were smoking a blunt and her face didn't shrivel up like it normally would. manny smoking so much had gotten her used to the smell. she just always had to wash her hair after being in the presence of weed and she hated it. "so what happen between you and sticks" tati inquired. she didn't know much about baby as she didn't tell her business unprovoked. you had to ask baby a couple of questions before you got something out of her.

"he saw me with manny and he stopped fw me" baby replied, keeping the response simple and refined

"kash told me he was hitting on you" tati blurted out. the room got quiet before baby responded.

"did it look like he was beating on me?" baby questioned as she stuck her neck out. "oh okay" she said as nobody replied to her. "i'll be downstairs niya"

"i'll probably just meet y'all there. that's cool?" she clarified

"yeah" baby found her way back down the steps before seeing manny waiting at the door. "she said that she'll meet us there" baby relayed the message

"aight bet. lessgo"

baby found her way to the car before manny opened her door. she watched her boyfriend come to the side of the car before settling down and starting the car.

she rubbed the side of her face before just staring at her. "why you watching mad face for?" she asked as she smiled at him

"cause you beautiful"

she crumbled at her man's words before kissing his cheek. they drove in a comfortable silence before reaching baby's house.

as they pulled up the notices myriad of cars sitting outside the residence. baby was confused but thought maybe amani just had people over. but as she hopped out the car so did whoever was on the cars lined up in front of her eyes. she saw a girl with a familiar face before seeing sticks sept out of the car as well. baby realized it was sticks' sister and she saw kash followed by people she didn't know getting out of the car.

"wassup bitch" sticks' sister tried to run up on baby. manny jumped in front of the girl as he pushed the sister back.

"bitch she not even ready"

"i don't give a fuck this bitch is trying to set up my brother"

"wait till she get ready then she'll run you yo fade" manny said as he pushed a confused baby into the house. he slammed the door. "mani!" he yelled

"wassup" amani

"sticks and nem outside they wanna fight. baby finna fight"

"baby finna what?" he asked as he came face to face with the pair

"he told his sister i tried to set him up now she wanna fight" baby explained as she headed up the stairs to her room and manny followed.

she took off her clothes before throwing on spandex and a sleep shirt. manny wrapped for her, in a pink bonnet. "you gon be good? ima be right dere ain't nobody gonna jump you" she said looking at baby in the mirror. he smacked his teeth, "if youn wanna fight i can put on a wig" he joked. baby giggled.

"i'm fine i'm finna fuck this bitch up" baby said before throwing on her beaters.

"das what i'm talm bout my queen ain't no punk" manny said as he followed baby out of her room. he tapped around on his phone before baby heard his voice loud. "niya wea you at?" it was quiet before he said, "hurry they tryna fight baby" before hanging up with no further explanation. the two found their way to the living room where amani was looking out the window. "they still out thea?" manny asked as he smoked on a wood. he found it on the table and didn't even care whose it was— he was bouta fight and he needed anything to calm his adrenaline. his phone rang before he answered and niya told him she was outside.

the trio found their way to the porch before manny told baby to stay put. she stood on the porch with her arms crossed waiting for anybody to run up on her.

"so who wanna right?" manny asked the crowd. taniya and all of her friends stood with mani and manny as they waited for a response.

"i wanna fight" the girl who looked like sticks said. baby could see kash standing beside her and just shook her head. why was sticks fucking with her life when he was booed up?

"bet. ain't no jumping. clean rounds of y'all jump my girl i'm sliding you bitches" manny said as he moved out the way for the girl to make way to baby.

baby stepped down off the steps before squaring up as the girl ran up. baby punched her and backed up as she ran up again. baby kept sending hard bitches to the girls face before kash ran up and grabbed baby's hair. manny ran over and pulled kash by her hair. "aht aht. niya come get this bitch" manny said as he held her by her hair. niya thought about it— kash was her friend but her loyalty resided with her brother and baby. she ran up and grabbed kash's hair before sending haymakers.

manny then turned around and punched sticks in his face. "whatchu trying baby for" he questioned as he beat sticks. amani was overseeing the fight making sure nobody jumped in. baby was winning her fight before she saw her boyfriend fighting and gave the girl one last kick. she walked over to manny as she breathed hard. he sent some more punches to a hunched over sticks. "ima keep beating yo ass nigga. keep fucking wit my girl" manny came up and his face was red. everyone found their way back into the house as the commotion died.

baby made her way back to her room. upset she even had to fight in the first place. you sit on a nigga face once and he don't know how to act.

baby took her hair out of its protection and manny came up behind her. "you good?" he asked as he kissed her neck and slipped his hands in her pants.

"yeah. i need some dick" she said

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