Chapter 2

186 3 14

Menu: fluff. Just fluff.



Kyles pov

Timeskip to lunch bc i can

I walked out of class and walked to my locker to put my stuff away before i met up with bebe to start operation breakup. I put my stuff away and walked to Bebes locker to meet her. I got to her locker and said hello.

"Hi Bebe!" I said in a genuinely excited tone

'Hi kyle!" She replied back with the same tone of excitement in her voice.

"Ready to act?" I said in a whisper

"Ready when you are." She said with the same volume in her voice.

"Operation breakup?"

"Operation breakup!" She said as she grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers as we walked to the cafeteria. All eyes were on us when we walked past the tables towards chef.

"Hi chef!" I started. "What are you serving today?"

He gave us our food and left to sit opposite Stan and Wendy. They looked shocked when they saw us walk up with our hands entwined. We sat down and i gave her a kiss on the cheek before we started eating. Stan's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his face as he watched me kiss her on the cheek before his face showed jealousy. We finished our food then went back to my locker so i could grab my stuff. We then went to bebe's locker and Wendy and stan were there. We had whispered a short plan to make them both jealous at that second and nodded to signify to start it so i pinned her to her locker and pushed my lips against  hers. I could taste her chapstick as i licked her bottom lip to ask permission and she opened her mouth letting me slip my tongue in to explore her mouth. She let out a soft moan in response and we continued, only parting for air before I pulled her towards me to wrap her into a hug. I could see in my peripheral vision that Stan looked shocked but jealous so i smirked as i pulled away from Bebe so she could grab her stuff before we walked to our next class and even better, we shared the class and we had a new seating plan and me and Bebe were sat next to each other with Stan and Wendy next to us. (We asked all of the teachers to sit me and Bebe next to each other and explained the plan and they all agreed.) We walked into the classroom and went to our new assigned seats. I sat in my seat and patted bebes seat for her to sit down but instead she sat down on my lap. I stared at her as she winked and i winked back. We started to pull closer to each other and when our faces were inches away i grabbed her cheek and pulled her into a kiss. I licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth so i slipped my tongue into her mouth as Stan and Wendy walked in. They both stood there in shock before their faces turned sour and they had a look of jealousy in their eyes. They sat down and we stopped making out. I kissed her on the lips before she got up and sat on her chair as the class flooded in and we started the lesson.

Timeskip to after school because i can

Stans pov (weren't expecting that were ya?)

Kyle has been everywhere making out with Bebe. He's making me feel angry but also sad, confused and proud all at the same time and it's confusing me! Is this? Am i jealous of kyle and Bebe? No! I should be happy for them! But i feel a burning sensation when i see them together.

"Stan?" Kyle called out, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Huh? What?" I replied, confused.

"I was asking if you wanted to go on a double date? Me, you, bebe and Wendy?"

"I was just gonna stay home today. Sorry!"

"Babe!" Bebe called out to kyle. I felt that same burning sensation and all the emotions again.

"Yes hun?" Kyle replied.

"I was wondering if we could go to yours and chill tonight?" She replied with an excited tone in her voice.

"Sure!" Kyle replied with a caring but excited tone. I loved hearing his voi- wait WHAT! What am i thinking! We are super best friends! But i care about him so much. I just don't want his heart to break because of her. The burning died down until i got pulled out of my thoughts by Bebe hugging kyles side and him holding her waist. The burning came back again and i almost cried right there and then as i heard Kyle say goodbye and start walking off. I started to walk home alone which didn't feel normal to any extent 

Kyles pov

I said goodbye to Stan and started to walk away with Bebe and i saw him looking heartbroken and i almost cried at his expression. I continued to walk though and i walked into my house and shouted a hello to my mum and seeing her head pop out of the kitchen door.

"Hi bubbie!" She shouted. "Who's this?"

I didn't want to say my girlfriend so i said my friend and then gave Bebe a look that said 'I'll explain why in a minute' and she nodded in response. Then i turned to my mum. "Mum i have to tell you a few things but can we sit down please?"

"Sure bubbie." She replied as we sat down.

"Mum. I'm gay." I explained.

"What what WHATTTT!" I tensed up and put my arms up in front of me in defence only to be met with my mum hugging me. "What's his name?" My mum said in a proud but calm voice.

"Stan. StanLEY marsh..." i said in a calmed but still tense voice. I then explained that Stan was dating Wendy and that Wendy was being a terrible girlfriend towards him and continuously breaking his heart so me and Bebe had launched operation breakup and had started fake dating. She luckily understood and said she could do her part to pretend we were dating and i hugged her tight before going upstairs to find ike at the top of the stairs. We got to the top of the stairs and ike hugged me before going into his bedroom leaving me and Bebe to go into my room. We established part two of the plan and explained it to my mum before we left my house so i could walk Bebe home and explain what was going on to her parents and they were really supportive luckily so we hugged at her doorstep.

We said one last thing before i left.

"Part two of operation breakup is a go."


What's gonna happen next? Stay tuned for chapter 3!

Word count: 1133 

-Ruby <3

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