Chapter 3

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Kyles pov

I woke up the next day and smiled knowing that i have people on board who support me. I got up and got changed before walking to bebes house to pick her up and bring her to the bus stop. I got to bebes house knocked on the door. A few seconds later she opened the door and upon seeing me Bebe hugged me so i hugged back. She pulled away before saying she would be back in a second so i held the door open while i waited for her to grab her bag. Her mum popped her head out of the kitchen and said hello to me, waving happily. Bebe got back and we left to the bus stop. We walked up with our hands entwined, chatting to each other. Kenny and cartman were arguing and Stan was on his phone. This is quite common recently though so me and Bebe continued chatting until Stan grabbed my shoulder and said hi with a sour face. "Oh hey Stan! Me and Bebe were just talking about our plans for prom, right bebe?" I said with a smile on my face. Stan just asked Bebe to talk and they walked away. A minute later Bebe came back beaming. "What happened?" I whispered.

"He said.." Bebe was interrupted by the bus and we both got on, sitting next to each other.

"Continue please!" I whispered.

"I can't. Sorry. He told me to keep it a secret." She said before looking out the window.

I just sat there looking kinda limp but stable enough to sit up properly. We got to school and went to our class.

Timeskip to lunch bc i said so

I went to the pe department and sat in the hole in the wall. I started to cry but then someone came into the hole upon hearing my cries. Wendy!? 

"Oh kyle! Are you okay?" She said, reaching her arms out to hug me. I accepted the hug and she pulled me in before asking me again why i was crying and i had to explain everything. The plan, my feelings for Stan, the one thing i left out was bebes feelings for Wendy. The next thing I know Wendy is dragging me out of the hole and trying to find Bebe with a shocked but happy look plastered on her face. She wasnt mad, she just wanted to talk to Bebe and took me with her because i could persuade her to talk to Wendy. She got to bebes locker and i texted Bebe to come to her locker because someone wanted to talk to her before telling Wendy she was coming. Wendy had also texted Stan to come on down to her locker which luckily happened to be right next to bebes. While we waited Wendy and i started talking until relationships were brought in to the convo.

"So you like Stan?"

"Yeah, and you like Bebe?"

She blushed a bit before replying, "yeah, she is so fucking hot."

"You should tell him/her." We both blurted out at the same time. We both giggled before vowing to confess when they got here.

When Stan and Bebe got to the lockers i grabbed stans arm and pulled him to my locker while Wendy winked at me so i winked back.

"Why did you pull me away?" Stan asked.

"Can i.. show you why?" I replied hesitantly.

"Sure, go-" i cut him off by kissing him.

"That's why i pulled you away." I said after pulling away. "I'm so sorry! I-" this time Stan cut me off by kissing me. I kissed back so Stan picked me up by the waist.  We pulled away and i started running off to Wendy and Bebe. I completely faceplanted the lockers but I immediately grabbed Wendy and Bebe before dragging them off to where me and bebe had met when the plan started.

"What was that for!" Bebe shouted, making me flinch.

"Sorry, I'm excited!" I replied.

Both of their eyes lit up. "What happened!" Wendy shouted.

"Stop shouting at meeeeee!" I shouted back, irritated. "I KISSED HIM." I blurted out before putting my hands to my face in embarrassment. 

"OH EM GEE!!!! WHAT HAPPENED NEXT?" They said in unison.

"Basically i pulled away then tried apologising because I thought he was mad at me but got cut off by him kissing me so obviously i kissed back so he tried deepening the kiss by picking me up by the waist, then i ran off to y'all and dragged you here and yeah." I explained quickly, taking a deep breath afterwards. "So what happened with y'all?"

"We didn't get to that yet, so.. Bebe?" Wendy replied

"Yes?" Bebe replied.

Wendy walked closer to Bebe and grabbed her waist to pull her even closer so their bodies were pressing together. "May i.. kiss you?" Wendy said almost hesitantly. Bebe nodded so Wendy pushed closer and i turned around so they could have their moment.soon i heard a knock and opened the door slightly to see... STAN?! I opened the door to let him in and he saw the other two kissing and his eyes lit up to my surprise so i closed the door and turned to Stan.

"Sorry about that earlier (referring to running away from him earlier)" i said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh no it's fine i wanted to speak with Wendy but i can wait, she's having a moment." He said, smiling at the end of the sentence. We continued to chat until Wendy came up and tapped my shoulder.

"Oh hi Wendy! Stan wanted to speak to you so me and Bebe can stand outside for a sec if you want?"

"Yes please, if that's ok with you!" Wendy replied, smiling.

"Cmon Bebe!" I said, holding the door open for her to walk through.


What's gonna happen next!!!

I finally got this done!!! Yesssssssss!

Sorry I'm not updating much, I was in school when this was published :0

Anyways hope you enjoyed, byeeeee!!!

Sorry for the short chapter i was doing tours for possible new heads of year for my school :)

Words: 1000 

-Ruby <3

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