Chapter 4

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Hello once again!!! I'm back for chapter four!!!

Anyways menu: angst with a side of fluff

Enjoyyyy <3


Stans pov

I walked to Wendys locker as she requested and saw Kyle with her at bebes locker. When i got there Kyle pulled me away to our lockers "Why did you pull me away?" I asked

"Can i.. show you why?"

"Sure, go-" he cut me off by kissing me and i just stood in shock before he pulled away.

"That's why i pulled you away." He said almost in shame "I'm so sorry! I-" this time i cut him off by kissing him. He kissed back so i picked him up by the waist. We pulled away and Kyle ran off so i just walked back to Cartman, butters and Kenny.

"What did Wendy need?" Butters asked when i sat down.

"I don't know cuz Kyle pulled me away."

"What did kyle want?"

"He-" i started but got cut off by Cartman

"I'm going somewhere, don't wait up"

"Alright bye fatass!"

"Bye fagboy"

When he walked away i continued "as i was saying, he kissed me" I said, whispering the end. "Then he tried apologising so I just kissed him back and when we pulled away he ran off" i continued. Both Kenny and butters sat there staring at me in shock.

"Go find him!" Butters said.

"Okay!" I replied, standing up.

I started to walk towards the lockers to write him a letter but as i walked past a classroom i heard  people in there. I tried looking through the window but i had no luck so no choice but to knock. I knocked the door and someone opened the door to just the person i need, Kyle. He let me in and i saw Wendy and bebe kissing and my eyes lit up as Wendy had been planning to tell bebe about her feelings and she finally did it!

"Sorry about that earlier (referring to running away from him earlier)" Kyle said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh no it's fine i wanted to speak with Wendy but i can wait, she's having a moment." I said, smiling at the end of the sentence. We were making small talk in our natural tone which has been mistaken for flirty and I do try my best for him to notice my hints but he never notices. Wendy came up and tapped my shoulder after her moment.

"Oh hi Wendy! Stan wanted to speak to you so me and bebe can stand outside for a sec if you want?"

"Yes please, if that's ok with you!" Wendy replied, smiling.

"Cmon bebe!" Kyle said, holding the door open for her to walk through. When the door closed i started.

"Well i guess this is us breaking up?"

"Well yes but i wanna try and make Kyle jealous so he will come to prom with me." I replied.

"Ok, we are broken up secretly but making Kyle and bebe jealous?" Wendy said, sounding confused.

"If that's ok with you?" I said

"Of course, Kyle is acting so blind but i can help you by dropping some extra hints?"

"Yes! Perfect!"

"Ok, we need a name for this.. mission?"

"How about.. operation style when talking about me and Kyle and operation bendy when talking about you and bebe?"


"Operation style and operation bendy are a go!!" We said as we hi-fived.

We then left the room and walked to get our food with Kyle and bebe.

Timeskip because I don't know what to write after that and it seems it would be kinda awkward

Kyles pov

The end of the day came quickly and me and bebe decided to go to my house to establish part three of operation breakup

When she got there i immediately sped through the house to the front door and we went to my room.

"Part three, any ideas?"

"How about we continue fake dating but tomorrow we have a fake argument and 'break up'? Hopefully that will make them jealous and break up with each other. That makes it easier for us to seduce them at prom!"

"That is.. A PERFECT PLAN!"


"Uhh yeah! You are a genius!"


"You are very welcome!"

"Oh! I could get into contact with Nichole and Rebecca to make it more realistic?"

"Yes! Good idea!"

Timeskip to the next day at lunch (day before prom)

Me, Stan, Cartman, Kenny, butters and Heidi were sat at our table when suddenly Bebe ran up and started screaming at me. Part three has started. We went along with the details we discussed and I'm guessing Bebe made something up on the spot because she slapped me and so i had to make a counter argument to that so i just screamed 'we are over!' Before running to the boys room. Stan must've ran after me because i got into the boys room and he came up behind me and pulled me into a hug to try to calm me down. I was fake crying and i was really good at it because Stan started to comfort me.

Soon we left the boys toilets and went back to the table and Bebe shot me a look that said 'I'm so sorry!' So i just smiled and discreetly nodded. She smiled back and continued to chat with her friends and i continued to eat my food.

Timeskip bc i said so

Later that night, Stan was having a sleepover at mine and we were planning on sleeping in the same bed. We were just watching a film but then came a love scene ($3x scene) so we looked away and laughed. We were way too close and i started to blush and from the light i could see a slight blush on stans face. He couldn't like me right!?  I just looked away and turned off the film before turning off my tv and we lay down, looking at the dark ceiling. I turn to my side and see Stan is out like a light so i turn to my side so i am facing Stan and gently kiss his cheek before turning around again, presumably blushing like a tomato



Sorry for the short chapter!! I did this in school. 

Anyways byeeee!

Word count: 994 

Ruby <3 

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