Chapter 5

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I have nothing else to say so read!

Btw the genre is smut with a side of fluff!!



The next day

Kyles pov

I woke up and felt someone else in my bed. Thinking it was my brother i turned over but started blushing wildly when i realised it was Stan. I just decided to get up and have a shower before i get changed ready for the day ahead. When i got out of the shower i put on a green shirt paired with my orange jacket and green ushanka before going over to my bed and gently shaking Stan awake. "Stan wake up!"

"What do you need?"

"I was hoping we could play something like-"

"Yeah we can play a game but i need your consent."

"Umm sure" I said hesitantly.

"Perfect~" He said in a seductive tone. "Now can you go and lay on your bed please?" He asked, sounding hopeful.

"Okay?" I said as i walked over to my bed and lay down. In the blink of an eye Stan was on top of me, making me blush.

"What's wrong ky ky?"


"Okay, can I continue?"


"Good~" he said again in that seductive tone. He then started to lean down until out lips were mere centimetres apart and I couldn't wait for him to kiss me so i leant up slightly to bring my lips onto his. He kissed back and soon licked my lips to ask for entry which he got immediately by me opening my mouth. We made out for a minute or two before pulling away. "You really wanted that kiss didn't you?"


"Okay, may i?" He said, looking down at my clothes.

"Go ahead, I don't mind."

"Okay ky ky~" he started to tug at my trousers as if to take them off so I nod not knowing what he's doing. The next thing I know he has also stripped his jacket, shirt and trousers along with my trousers and shirt, leaving us both in underwear. I then look down to see he has an erection so I push him off me and flip us over so he is led against the headboard. I started following his actions, slightly tugging at his boxers and looking for an answer, being met with a nod practically as soon as I look up. I pull his boxers down and off, watching his member spring free from the fabric restricting it. I immediately but gently wrapped my lips around his member before starting to push my head down and Bob my head on his erection. I start to deep throat him and I eventually hear him moan out a warning.

"Mmph- I'm cl-close ky ky~" he says, somehow able to use that same seductive tone.

I immediately start increasing my pace before hearing him moan out one more time before he came into my mouth.

"KYLE~~~" He moaned out before releasing his load into my mouth. I decided to be an idiot and make him aroused once more so I lifted my head off his member before pretending to swallow and immediately pressing my lips to his and opening my mouth, pushing his own load into his mouth.

Hello all I'm gonna leave this on a cliffhanger because I really need to sleep sometime tonight. Anyways next part will hopefully be up tomorrow or Friday as I'm also working on another part to my book "she's mine" for my bestie but yeah! ok anyways bye! Have a good rest of your day/night

Word count: 600

Ruby <3

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