Chapter 12

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"I agree." He whispers in response. "Honestly I hope I get more opportunities to fuck you. My cute ass boyfriend."

(End of recap)

Word count: 225

(Ky kys POV)

I lay my head on his chest and smile. "I love you Stan"

He smiles and replies "I love you too, Kyle.."

I smile and lay against him, soon falling asleep. He pulls me closer and kisses my forehead before falling asleep too.

(Timeskip to the next day)

I wake up wrapped in stans arms and smile, pulling myself closer and falling asleep again. Half an hour later I'm awoken to Stan kissing my cheek over and over again to wake me up

"Morning sweetie."

I smile "good morning, my love!"

"How are you?"

"Better now I'm talking to you, Stan.."

"Cmon, let's head downstairs and have breakfast, hm?"

"Yea, let's do that."

We head downstairs and go to the table, my mom giving us a look that says 'did you enjoy last night?' Then she spoke

"How was it last night?"

I blush a bit "it was..amazing.."

"Was it now?" Stan whispers into my ear, a dominating tone lurking that made me grow slightly hard.

"Y-yea.." I say, sounding nervous

"Nervous, sweetheart?"

"N-no!" I say, still sounding nervous.

"Need I do that all again?"


"Let's eat first, then we can. Okay?"

"Yeah, that works for me.."


I'm finally done 😭

Sorry it's so short again I'll get some more longer chapters up soon i promise :'D

Smut next chapter ;)

-Noah 💙

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