Chapter 7

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Ok i have nothing else to say so enjoy <3


Stans pov cuz y not

I woke up the next day and I was in kyles bed cuddling him so i pulled away and sat up. I looked around the room for any way i could regain the memories from yesterday when i saw some dirty sheets. Weird. I walked over to them to investigate when i saw my shirt covered in a weird substance. I wiped some off my shirt and tasted it for some reason. The memories came flooding back immediately. Omg! Did i? I immediately got my clothes, wrote a note to kyle and snuck out the window of his bedroom. I quickly snuck to my house and found my parents downstairs.

"Hi mum!"

"Oh hi Stanley! Where have you been?"

"Kyles. I had a sleepover." I replied, walking to the washing machine and putting the dirty clothes from the day before in. "Do you have anything else to wash mum?"

"Yeah, in the washing basket Stan! Thank  you for the help!"

I walked to the washing basket and picked it up, putting it under my arm. I walked back into the kitchen and started loading the washing basket when my dad walked through the door and walked to the couch before face planting the cushions and passing out. He had obviously gone to the bar and got drunk. My mum sighed before walking to the couch and picking up my dad, throwing his unconscious body over her shoulder and walking upstairs to hers and my dad room.

I finished loading up the washing machine so turned it on and walked upstairs to my room as Shelley passed me.

"Hey turd." She said simply before ruffling my hair (!!SHELLEY IS NICE TO STAN IN THIS!!) and walking to the stairs, leaving me to go to my room.

Kyles pov 

I woke up alone and looked around the room to see a note on my desk. I stood up and walked to grab it before reading it to myself.

Dear ky ky,

I left earlier but I'll see you at school tomorrow.

Bye! <3

When i finished reading it i went to my closet and changed. I could slightly remember what happened yesterday and i felt so bad because him and Wendy were still dating but at the same time she deserves it for how toxic she is to Stan. But what if he hates me now? What if he isn't gay?

I stayed there on my bed for at least half an hour questioning my life before ike knocked on my door.

"Are you awake?"

"Yeah I'm awake, what's up?"

"Come get some breakfast!"

"Ok coming," I said as I grabbed my phone and walked to my bedroom door. I walked out of my bedroom and to the stairs before walking down and going into the kitchen. when I got into the kitchen I sat down just as my mum put some pancakes in front of me. when I finished I walked back up to my room and messaged stan

ky ky: hey stan!

Stan: hey ky! Whats up?

ky ky: wanna go to the playground near here?

Stan: sure! Meet you there?

ky ky: Meet you there :)

I put my phone down on my bed and packed some snacks from downstairs before I walked back upstairs to grab my phone. I put my phone in my bag and ran downstairs before shouting goodbye to my mum and brother.

Stans pov

I walked to the playground and went on the swing while i waited for kyle. When he got there i jumped up and ran to kyle, hugging him tightly. When we let go we walked back over to the swing and swung while talking.

When we got bored we went for a walk as we talked to each other about yesterday.

"So ky?" I asked hesitantly


"Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

"No but I do remember that I had a slight limp earlier and there was a terrible pain in my legs too."

"Well that's because... I was in the mood and asked you if we could play a 'game' and then you may be wondering, 'how does that link to my leg pain and limp earlier?' And it links to your leg pain and limp because we did some very gay and very dirty things. I hope you understand what I'm saying because thats the best way possible that I can explain the situation to you."


"I'm sorry.. Ill go home. See you tomorrow ky ky."

"Wait! Come back!"

"Hm?" I mumbled, turning around to see Kyle with his arms spread out, motioning for me to hug him.

I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his body as he wrapped his around mine. When we pulled away he grabbed the back of my head, making me stop moving. Then Kyle grabbed my hands and put them on his waist before wrapping his hands around my neck. He started pulling closer and I knew what he was trying to do so I just pulled my body forward. Our lips met before he expected so he opened his eyes in shock and I smirked into the kiss. I pulled away before kissing kyles forehead and walking away, saying my goodbyes and leaving his stood there in shock before he finally started to walk home.


Ok this took fucking ages and it's short ik I'm just busy with school but I leave school on Thursday for summer holiday

Anyways word counttt: 937

Ruby <3

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