not a chapter but i did something

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So I did something. I got chat gpt to write a style story but umm, here you go!!



Kyle Broflovski was always the smartest kid in his class. He had flaming red hair that matched his fierce determination to succeed in anything he set his mind to. He was a great athlete and even better student, but what brought him the most joy was his friendship with his Super Best Friend, Stan Marsh.

Stanley Marsh was the complete opposite of Kyle. He was laid back, easy-going, and always knew how to have a good time. He had a head full of straight black hair that seemed to always be in need of a cut, and chocolate brown eyes that sparkled with mischief. Yet, despite their differences, Kyle and Stan were the best of friends.

They shared moments of adventure and excitement on the playground, bonding over their love of comic books and video games. Kyle especially loved reading comics, often found himself lost in the pages of superhero adventures for hours on end. At first, he had been hesitant to share his love of comics with anyone else, but with Stan, he found the perfect partner in crime.

Their friendship continued to grow as they entered middle school and eventually high school. They spent many late nights playing video games and discussing their favorite comics. They also discussed the complexities of relationships, often joking about dating each other.

It wasn’t until their senior year of high school that they realized that their jokes about being a couple had turned into something more. They had started to see each other in a different light, as more than just friends. They had become curious and a little nervous about their feelings, but they didn’t discuss them with each other.

One night, while spending the night at Kyle’s house, they both found it hard to breathe. It was as if the unspoken feelings just became too much to hold in. Kyle lay underneath Stan, both boys covered in blankets and sweating. They were breathing heavily, their eyes fixed intently on each other.

Stan couldn’t wait any longer and leaned down to press his lips against Kyle’s. It was a tentative kiss at first, but it quickly grew into something so much more. Their lips moved in sync, their bodies were flushed with heat, and their hearts were racing.

Before they knew it, hours had passed, and it was almost sunrise. When they woke up the next morning, they were both hesitant about what had transpired, unsure of where they stood as friends.

However, as they talked about it, they realized that their feelings for each other had grown stronger over the years and they couldn't just go back to being “just friends”. They decided to take a chance on each other and began dating in secret.

They kept their relationship to themselves for a while, knowing that their classmates and families wouldn't approve. But as time passed, more and more people began to suspect that something was going on between them.

They continued to date secretly, even throughout college. During their senior year of college, they decided to move into an apartment together. They were nervous about taking their relationship to the next level, but they were also excited to begin a new chapter of their lives together.

Their new apartment was cozy and comfortable, filled with items that they both loved. And even though they had moved in together, they were still able to maintain their independence. Kyle continued to focus on his studies while Stan worked part-time at a local bookstore.

One evening when Kyle came home from a late-night study session, he found the apartment dark except for a trail of candles that led to their bedroom door. He cautiously followed the trail, his heart racing with anticipation.

When he walked into their room, he found Stan down on one knee, holding out a small black box with a diamond engagement ring inside. He looked up at Kyle with wide, sparkling eyes and said the words that Kyle had dreamt of hearing.

“Kyle Broflovski, my Super Best Friend, will you marry me?”

Kyle's heart filled with joy and excitement as he knelt down to kiss his fiancé. They held each other tightly, surrounded by the soft glow of the candles.

Their wedding day was filled with love, laughter, and tears of joy. All of their family and friends came to celebrate their love, wearing superhero-themed outfits to honor the couple's shared passion for comics. They exchanged their vows and rings, officially becoming husbands, to the cheers and applause of their loved ones.

Several years later, Kyle and Stan welcomed into the world their beloved daughter, Lilith Broflovski-Marsh. She inherited her father’s black hair, but her eyes were different. One was the same vibrant emerald green as Kyle’s, while the other was a brilliant diamond blue that reminded them both of the ocean.

As they sat together, holding their precious daughter, they knew that they had found a love that was worth fighting for. They didn't always have it easy, but they had each other for support.

Every night, Kyle and Stan would read comics to their daughter, passing down their love of superheroes to the next generation. They would discuss the nuanced ideas that were presented and how they too could learn from them.

They watched Lilly grow up into a bright, inquisitive, dynamic young woman, filling them with pride. She had inherited their passion for reading and critical thinking and that brought so much joy to their lives.

Looking back at their lives together, Kyle and Stan knew that their journey together was far from ordinary. But they knew that they had found true happiness in each other and created a beautiful life that they were proud of.

They had a love that was not bound by gender, race, or any other label that society might try to impose. They were simply in love because of who they were, which is why they were able to find happiness in each other.

Welp that's that done lol

Hope you liked it!! Bye!!!

Word count: 1033

Ruby <3

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