Chapter 8

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Helloooo and welcome to another chapterrrrrrr!!!



Kyles pov

When i got home i went straight to my room. I tried to process what happened but just couldn't think. I just decided to go to sleep and ask him about it tomorrow in school.


Still ky kys pov

The next day I woke up and did my daily routine of going to the bathroom to brush my teeth, getting dressed then going back to my room to change before going downstairs to eat breakfast. When I finished my breakfast I left, saying my goodbyes. The whole way to the bus stop I was thinking about how awkward it would be to stand next to Stan after the weekend we had. I soon arrived to find only Stan was there so either we are early for once or cartman and Kenny are running late.

"Uhh, kyle! Hey!" Stan said hesitantly.

"H-hey Stan.." i stuttered out.

"I asked Kenny and cartman to come down a little late so we can talk.." Stan started. "About Saturday." He continued. "I wanted to say that-"

"Hey gayboy, Jew."

"Cartman? I told you to come down late!"

"Well my mom pushed me out the house so i will get down here cuz of my crippling attendance so sorry you couldn't make out with your Jew boyfriend."

"Shut up cartman!"

Just as I'm about to say something Kenny runs up just as the bus turns up. We all say hello to Kenny then get on the bus. And we all did the usual, cartman and Heidi making out in the back, butters and Kenny chatting to each other, then Stan and Wendy flirting while me and Bebe look at them with jealousy painted on our faces.

Timeskip to lunch (bebes pov)

At lunch i was with Kyle because we were still strategising on how to get Stan and Wendy to break up. Suddenly Nichole comes up to me and tells me that Wendy wants to meet me in the bathroom. I thank Nichole for telling me before excusing myself and walking to the girls room. As soon as i walked in Wendy walked over to me and sparking a conversation. Then the subject changed to relationships and i became curious so i asked Wendy a question regarding her and Stan.


"Yes Bebe?"

"Are you and Stan still dating or something?"

"It's.. complicated.. give me two seconds," she said before pulling out her phone and texting someone.

A minute later Wendy smiled from ear to ear before putting her phone away and turned to me, "Bebe, Stan let me explain the situation."

"So, are you dating?"

"No. We are pretending so we can make you and Kyle jealous and evidently from the bus, it worked!"

"So you are prete- NO IM NOT!! IM NOT JEALOUS!" I shouted before turning my head away and crossing my arms in frustration. Then to my surprise Wendy stepped forward before grabbing me by the waist and turning my head, my gaze meeting hers.suddenly she pushed me up against the wall and looked in my eyes, searching for something.

"Why are you looking at me like that Wendy? And why did you push me up against the wall?"

"Isnt it obvious? I would like to kiss you and I'm looking for consent darling~" she said making me blush ferociously. "So, do i have your permission?~" she asked, making me nod as quickly as my head and neck would let me. As soon as she got my sign she put her lips on mine, closing her eyes and making me close my eyes. After a few seconds she licked my bottom lip to ask permission into my mouth. I declined to see what she would do to make me obey her. I felt her hand move and squeeze my ass, making me moan into the kiss and enabling her to slip her tongue into my mouth. As soon as she had access to my mouth her tongue started to explore my mouth. After her tongue had explored my mouth i lifted my tongue up to meet hers. Our tongues immediately started battling for dominance, her winning. Then from behind us we heard a gang of squeals, our lips immediately parting before we both turned around to reveal some of our friends who had probably come to check up on us. At that moment i felt Wendy squeeze my ass again, making me moan out as Wendy smirked at me. Wendy then let go of me and turned around fully so she was facing our friends.

(Idk what to write from here so I'm gonna swap pov 🥲 the question is, which pov?)

Ky kys pov hehe

Just after Bebe excused herself to see wendy Stan walked over and I just ran off in embarrassment.

Im finishing this chapter here cuz I have no ideas. Sorry it's so short lol

Byezie bye y'all!!! <3

Word count: 826


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