Chapter 11

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He then walked over to me and connected our lips in a lustful and heated kiss as he began to strip us of our clothes. Once he got all of our clothes off he pushed me down on the bed and went down on my neck. He started making his way down and was planting kisses on my dick and inner thighs, making me moan out. Stan then got up and picked me up, putting me on my hands and knees on the bed before pulling my arms down so my head was pressed into the covers. Then he lined his dick up with my ass and slammed straight into me in one swift thrust, making me moan out.

"Shh, be quiet darling~" Stan whispers to me

I nod my understanding and bite my lip. He then starts quickly thrusting into me, not giving me any time to adjust to his length. I moan out again so he takes his shirt from off the edge of the bed and puts it in front of my mouth "bite down on it, it should shut you up a bit." Stan whispers to me. I do as he tells me to and bite down on his shirt.

Soon he groans his warning "Shit, Im close ky ky~"

"Mmh.. Same." *I whisper, muffled by the shirt

Then he thrusts into me one more time before cumming into my ass while groaning my name, riding out his high as I cum too, spilling all over the sheets.

(Time skip after the aftercare, they're laying together in Kyle's bed)

"That was amazing.." I whisper.

"I agree." He whispers in response. "Honestly I hope I get more opportunities to fuck you. My cute ass boyfriend."


Sorry for the short part but I can't write much rn, 2024 doesn't have it out for me, illness wise. (I keep nearly dying in school and having to be picked up and taken to a doctor so many times already :'/

Anyways byeee!

- Noah 💙

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