The Strange World

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I'm sorry you won't get to chose your Zanpakuto...
But it's for a good reason!
Pwease trust me...

As you were floating into darkness.
You were thinking of a lot of things.
The life that you once lived.
Now taken away from that crazed woman that you called mother.
To be were glad to be out of that life.
You jumped a little from hearing a voice out of nowhere.
You spoke.
Then realize your jaw wasn't dislocated anymore and the wounds you once suffered...are gone as well.
Like it never happened.
A bright light shone in front of you.
Sucking you into it.
You said with shock.
As you shut your eyes.
You felt a gentle breeze blew on your face.
Like it was summer.
You slowly opened your eyes.
Only to see that you were in a field of [Favourite Flowers.]
" this place?..."
You were amazed.
It was so calming.
The [Favourite Flowers] gave a nice sweet smell.
As you were about to get up.
Your hand touched something.
You looked to your right side and there was a light blue katana.

"You looked to your right side and there was a light blue katana

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"Did someone lose this?..."
You were unsure and picked it up.
{Can you hear me [Your Name?]}
Spoke a gentle female voice.
You looked all around you one was insight.
Then looked at the katana.
You asked the katana and you were thinking this is stupid.
But it was the only think to think of.
{Yes. It was me.}
The katana spoke.
"Alright....I confirmed that suspicion...."
You said to yourself.
"What is your name?"
Then you asked her for it's name.
{Mizuma....My name is Mizuma. It's a pleasure to meet you...[Your Name.]}
Mizuma spoke.
"Wait. How do you know my name?"
You asked Mizuma.
{We are connected both mind and soul....but the truth is...
I saw your previous life of when you were alive...}
Mizuma admitted and sounded guilty.
"It's....fine. I rather you look in my mind then tell you everything..."
You said.

"Mizuma"means water horse.
Which you can see on my drawing.

Then out of nowhere you could hear a deafening roar.
Everything around felt like it was vibrating.
"What the...."
You said.
{That's a Hollow's roar...we must hide for now...}
Mizuma warned.
"A-agreed....beside I don't know how to fight anyways...."
You tried to get up.
But the pressure was so strong that it felt like their was weights on you.
"Tch.....move you dang......body..."
Somehow you managed to move
your body and hid behind a huge bush.
{Try to calm yourself. Your spiritual pressure is rising.}
Mizuma explained.
(But how do I do that?...)
Then you closed your eyes and concentrated.
{Very good [Your Name.] Just like that.}
Mizuma praised you.
Then you can feel the ground trembling underneath your feet.
{It's here....}
Mizuma softly spoke and she was right....
You could feel a presence just on the other side of the bush.
It was snorting and sniffing.
Like it was looking for something.
But you knew it must be looking for you.
Then you smelled something...
Like mint and watermelon.
The wind was blowing on your direction.
(Wait....when did I have a strong sense of smell....)
You wondered to yourself.
Then you heard a thud from the other side of the bush.
Luckily there was a small hole between the bushes.
The hollow was dead and disintegrated into thin air.
But you felt a strong presence.
(Nope not gonna stick around...)
You ran in the other direction with such fast speed.
Like you were not human anymore.

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