Run Away Queen

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As we all gathered at the meeting hall.
Everyone was there except for 5th captain.
Who has been murdered.
"Since everyone is accounted for....let us begin the meeting..."
Head captain Yamamoto said and banged his cane.
Signalling the meeting is on.
"First off....Rukia Kuchiki's execution date has been move to 24 hours....."
Everyone remained silent.
"Head captain. What about our run away queen?"
Gin asked.
I glared at him.
"This is why I'm moving the execution date early. We can not waste anymore days or a weeks. The queen of souls must be found before the enemy does."
Head captain explained.
"Just how do we find her?"
Captain Soi Fon asked.
"Yes. And even if we do find her. She'll run."
Captain Kyoraku added.
The meeting went for 3 hours.
"For now we need to prepare for the ceremony....then once that's done. We'll do a whole search and won't stop until we find her...meeting adjourned!"
Head captain Yamamoto said.
As everyone walked out.
Gin stood in front of me.
"Well you didn't do a good job. What did you do to the poor sweet thing?"
Gin said and asked.
My blood was beginning to freeze over.
"Captain Gin. Now isn't the time for petty talk..."
Rangiku butted in."
"What? I'm just saying. Captain Hitsugaya isn't the gentle type nor the sensitive type."
Gin stated.
(I really hate this guy...but he's....not wrong.)
I clenched my fist.
All my life.....I've been feared because of my white hair.
So this is why I became like this.
In a way....[Your Name] is doing the same thing except for the hair thing.
It must be really stressful to be chosen.
And what's worse....she is forced to become a queen.
She never asked for this.
Everything is relying on.....
When we get her back....
I'll try to be more open minded.


As you laid on your futon.
You were thinking of getting out of here.
(I definitely don't want to die in this place....)
Then out of nowhere the whole place shook.
"W-what the!"
You were surprised by the sudden trembling.


As something or someone came crashing down the training ground ceiling.
It caused a huge dust of wind.
Once the dust clear.
I can see the intruder clearly.
It was Renji.
I fought with him while trying the first attempt to save Rukia.

-ATHOUR'S NOTE: I skipped the part where Ichigo and his friends broke in the Seireitei. And his friends captured. Just to clear up the confusion...

"Why are you here?"
I asked Renji.
"Isn't obvious? I'm here to train so I can save Rukia."
Renji replied.
"Oh....And another thing."
Renji added and turned towards me.
I hummed.
"Have you seen another soul reaper? She has [Hair length and colour] and is about this height?"
Renji explained.
(Is he describing [Your Name?]...."
"And what I have? What are you going to do with her?"
I was on the defence.
"Something tells me you have...Look. She's not someone who should be wondering around...
Especially that she's going to be the next queen of souls."
Renji scratched his head.
I was stunned.


"I'm getting out of here right now..."
You said to yourself.
You called.
{Yes dear?}
Mizuma replied.
"Can I use that technique again by any chance?"
You asked.
{You can....but you are not fully recovered. If you force will have dire consequences.}
Mizuma explained.
"I'm ok with that...."
You said and unsheathed Mizuma.
{.....very well.}
Mizuma sighed.
As you were ready to slice the air.
Something formed behind you.
It was some kind of portal.
Something shot out of the portal and hit you on the neck.
You winced and pulled it out.

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