Not Human

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-??? POV-

As I sliced the hollow with one strike.
It went down easily but wasn't the one I was looking for.
I cursed under my breath.
Then I saw something zip by out from behind the huge bushes.
I was about to say something.
But it was already gone like the wind.
"Captain! Was it the one?"
My lieutenant asked.
"No. But there was something or someone else."
I told her.
"Should we report it?"
She asked.
I shook my head.
"No. It might be one of the souls that was hiding from the hollow."
I explained.
Then we headed back to the Seireitei.
But I couldn't help but look back.


You didn't know how much you ran.
But as soon you were far enough you stopped.
You spoke to yourself.
{What is?}
Mizuma asked.
"That I ran a long time....but I'm not out of breath."
You said to Mizuma.
Mizuma couldn't find the words.
"And....I also noticed. I have a feeling that my sense of smell is ten times stronger."
You added.
{Could it be...that your no longer human?...}
Mizuma said.
You immediately thought about it for a second.
( be?)
You thought in your mind.
{Let's not dwell on it. Right now we must figure out for shelter. Since this is your new home.}
Mizuma said.
You thought to yourself.
But then you felt someone was watching you.
Of course you didn't want to look all over.
Your body was telling you not to look for this disturbing presence.
And continue to walk on and looked for shelter.

-??? POV-

(My my. How interesting.)
I was amused and amazed of this girl.
Something about drawing me in.
I want her.
I pushed my glasses up and grinned.
"What've you found now?"
The third captain flashed stepped behind me.
"Gin. What brings you here?"
I asked and turned to face him with a smile.
"Oh nothing really. Just curious about the sudden spirit pressure. But then immediately vanished."
Gin explained.
"I've already found it."
I said with amusement in my voice.
"Do tell."
Gin smirked.
"She seems to just arrived. And seems hasn't been perform by Konso."
I explained.
"That is interesting."
Gin said.
"What do we do?"
Gin asked.
"Well....Try to bring her to the Soul Society."
I said.
"If she runs?"
Gin added.
"I guess we'll play cat and mouse."
I immediately replied with a smirk.


The sun had already set hours ago and now was night.
It was a little chilly though.
(Wait....aren't dead people not suppose to feel anything....)
You were really confused.
{It's because you have power. Souls with power will feel cold, hot, pain and hunger.)
Mizuma answered my question.
(So...I'm basically alive.....again? Ugh....)
I groaned in my mind.
Then in the distance you could see a run down home.
"Welp....I guess no one lives here...."
You said to no one.
As you entered the abandoned establishment.
It felt a little creepy inside.
{Do not be afraid [Your Name.] I'm here with you...}
Mizuma reassured you.
You were really lucky to have her.
Then you looked around inside the home.
There was a dusty futon and some old kitchen tools.
"At least it's a start...."
And suddenly felt really tired.
"I'm so jealous of souls who don't feel this...."
You said to yourself.
Then you felt two presence out of nowhere.
Your first thought was to hide.
"Captain are you sure it could be here?"
Spoke a female voice.
"Well got any better ideas?"
Spoke a male voice.
(Why are they this their home?)
Your thoughts were running a miles a minute.
Luckily there was a decent size hole to crawl out of.
"Let's look inside. The head captain wants her."
The male spoke.
Then the water melon and mint smell hit your nose again.
(Why can't I only smell him and not the other?)
You were completely confused.
But immediately shook the thoughts away.
And tried silently squeeze through.
You could here both of the intruders walking inside.
The floor only slightly creaked.
But with the strong silence.
You could hear it.
"Rangiku...did you hear that?"
He asked the female.
(Oh sheet.)
You tried not to curse.
"Found you..."
Someone spoke close to your ear.
You screamed but realized you alarmed the other two.
Then the house....exploded?
You weren't sure at the moment.
The shaggy brown hair man with glasses reached out.

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