Breaking Point

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As we were struggling to stop [Your Name] from hurting herself even more.
I accidentally grabbed her sleeve with the bandage with it.
Me and Byakuya were shocked at the sight of her arm.
Her wounds weren't even healed yet.
Some looked really deep.
With all her screaming.
It caused some of the captains and lieutenants to come.
"Oh seems I've given her the wrong drug."
Among the captains was captain Kurotsuchi.
"What do you mean wrong drug?"
I asked in a deadly tone while struggling to hold [Your Name's] hands from scratching herself.
"Well the drug I injected was a hallucination drug. It's what we use on enemies we capture. So they can tell us what are they planning or doing."
Captain Kurotsuchi explained.


Your "mother's" face was disturbing .
Her eyes were black and her grin cause to rip on the sides.
Making like an unhuman smile with blood and gore dripping from it.
"I can wait to kill you again..."
[Your Mother's Name] spoke in a demonic voice.
While the two dark masses tried to hold you down.
"Do your best to scream..."
[Your Mother's Name] laughed like a manic.
You screamed.
Your throat was beginning to hurt because from screaming so much.


When she said that.
We were all shocked.
( be that her own mother.....killed her?)
"Move a side captain Hitsugaya and captain Kuchiki..."
Captain Unohana walked out amongst the crowd of captains and lieutenants.
She flashed stepped in front of [Your Name] and injected her with something.
I immediately was about to say something.
"It's ok captain Hitsugaya. It's just a sleeping drug. And no it won't cause affects with the hallucination drug."
Captain Unohana explained.
I looked at [Your Name.]
She fell asleep on Captain Unohana's arms.
Captain Unohana gently petted [Your Name's] head.
Everyone knew captain Unohana's kindness.
But to see it in action....was calming.
"We need to take her in to my medical care unit right away. And aid her wounds immediately....someone looked like they already taken care of them. But still need more attention."
Captain Unohana explained.
"I'll carry her...."
I spoke and walked towards [Your Name] and gently took her from captain Unohana.
"I'll meet you their."
Captain Unohana flashed stepped away.
I soon followed after that.


As you slowly opened your eyes.
You were in some kind of hospital bed.
You slightly groaned.
As you were about to move your arms.
You felt some kind of restrains.
"What the?"
Then you saw why your arms were tied down.
There was soft cuffs on both your legs and wrists.
"I'm sorry....but this is for your own good..."
Spoke a voice from beside you.
You turned your head to see who it was.
Toshiro Hitsugaya....
You gave him a glare.
The last person you wanted to see.
He was about to walk closer towards you.
"That's close enough...."
You spoke in a harsh tone.
He immediately stopped where he was.
Toshiro replied.
The look on his face.
Was it pity....or guilt.
You didn't care either way.
There was silence for about five minutes.
That is until Toshiro spoke.
"Once....the execution is over...."
Toshiro said but stopped for a moment to choose his next words carefully.
You didn't bother to face him.
Instead you looked the other way.
Indicating you were done with him.
Of course he didn't take the hint.

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