Finding Away Out (Part 1)

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It was the next morning.
[Your Name] came to work early.
But something seems off with her.
"Morning Captain."
She said in a monotone voice as usual.
"Morning [Last Name.]"
I replied to her.
With that she sat down and began to work on the stacks of paper.
Looking at her.
She is beautiful....
(Get it together Toshiro....)
I mentally slapped myself out of it.
" there a reason your staring?"
She caught me.
(Agh Shit!)
I lied.
She said and continued her work.


You said in your mind.
Then you just thought of something.
Since Toshiro has his guard down.
(I could use this to my advantage....)
You plan on escaping tonight.
(But....I have to plan this carefully.)
You thought to yourself.
"[Last Name?]"
Toshiro called.
You replied.
"This is all the paper work. So your finished early."
Toshiro said.
"Oh. Then I'll take my leave then."
You said and bowed.
"Yeah. Use your free time wisely."
Spoke your captain.
"Yes sir."
With that you've walked out of the office.
(Perfect. Now I can walk around and plan my escape.)
You thought to yourself.
"Hey. Did ya hear?
The 13th division lieutenant Rukia Kuchiki committed a huge crime...."
Whispered one of the squad 10 members.
This caught your ear.
"Really....oof. Must not look good on the Kuchiki clan..."
Spoke the second person.
(Wait...13th squad. Isn't that...captain Ukitake?)
You ponder a minute.
(Ah....not my business...)
Then out of nowhere you could hear a blood curdling scream.
The scream sent shivers down your spine.
Spoke a running squad member.
[Oh oh....This place got interesting...]
A voice that you didn't want to hear.
(Hello to you too....)
You sighed.
"Are you sure you should be standing their like a baby deer..."
Whispered a voice from behind.
It was too close because you could feel the hot breath.
So you jumped back.
As you turn to see who it was.
It was Gin Ichimaru.
"Sorry sorry. I couldn't help it."
He chuckled.
"Captain....are you sure you should be joking at a time like this?"
You spoke and stood firm.
"What? Did I miss something?"
He causally asked.
You couldn't tell if he was serious or playing dumb with you.
Gin just grinned at you like a fox.
"A.....captain has been murdered...."
You said with uncertainty.
"Oh! That is terrible news."
Gin gasped.
But the action didn't match his face.
It was very unsettling.
(Do you even have a heart?)
As you were distracted.
You felt something against your cheek.
As you snapped out of it.
It was Gin again.
But this time he was caressing your cheek.
You were about to say something but then a hand came out of nowhere.
And Gin's wrist.
Your back felt something against it.
"I believe this is not appropriate behaviour captain Ichimaru."
Spoke a ice cold voice.
And for some got very cold.
Like it was winter.
(I already know this person....)
It was none other then Toshiro Hitsugaya himself.
But you did not bother to turn around.
"Oh. Captain Hitsugaya. What brings you here?"
Gin yanked his wrist away from Toshiro.
It may not look like it...
But you have a feeling they were having a stare down.
"Did you not hear? A captain was murdered. And it's my duty to make sure [Last Name] is safe. She could be targeted by an unknown enemy..."
Toshiro explained.
While still behind you.
(Too close...)
The mint and watermelon smell was intoxicating.
So you immediately stepped away and stood by your captain.
Not too close or far.
But just enough so you are kind of close.
Toshiro gave a confused look.
[One day you'll give in to your thirst....]
Inner Demon said.
(Be quiet....)
You shook your head.
Rangiku appeared behind us.
"Captain! We've just been ordered to have a meeting!"
She spoke urgently.
Then for a moment...
You saw Rangiku expression change but only for a moment.
(Well...there goes my plans for escaping this place....)
You mentally sighed.

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