We Meet Again

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"[Your Name] hasn't come in to work...."
I said.
"Well maybe she's still extremely hurt from yesterday."
Rangiku said.
Is all I said.
Now did I think of it.
I don't feel her reiatsu either.
I immediately got up from my seat and flashed stepped to [Your Name's] room.
"Captain what was that about?"
Rangiku flashed stepped beside me.
"Something is wrong...."
I said to no one and knocked on her door.
"[Your Name] Are you feeling alright?"
I said.
There was no response.
"[Your Name] I'm coming in...."
With that I opened the door to her room.
She wasn't there.
All their was a pool of blood and some kind of broken mirror shard.
We were both in shock.
"Hey....isn't that the piece of mirror from two nights ago....."
Rangiku stated.
She walked in the room and gently and carefully picked up.
There was blood on the edges.
Then she knelt down on one knee and inspect the blood.
"It's already dry.....it must be from last night...."
She said and got up.
(But....who's blood is that?)
I was lost in thought.
Rangiku called.
"We need to report this....And bring that piece of broken mirror. Have the research team analyze the blood..."
I ordered Rangiku.
"Right away!"
Rangiku said and gently took the mirror shard.
She put it in her handkerchief and flashed stepped away.
Meanwhile I headed towards to see the head captain.
(He's not going to like the sound of this...)


You thought to yourself.
{[Your Name....]}
Mizuma called.
You slowly opened your eyes.
As you did two people were hovered over you.
You recognized one of them.
"There's no way....."
Is all you said.
"Is that you have to say!"
The carrot head shouted.
Causing you to flinched.
Then memories of yelling came flood in.
The woman seems to noticed this.
In the blink of an eye.
Ichigo went flying because the woman punched him.
Ichigo screamed while flying to the other side of the room.
"Sorry about that. He's loud but won't hurt you."
The lady spoke.
Of course you were shocked on what just happened.
"The hell Yoruichi!"
Ichigo shouted and held his face.
"Well if you weren't so insensitive. You wouldn't got punched."
The one called Yoruichi spoke.
"I'm sorry I'm Yoruichi Shihouin. What's your name?"
Yoruichi introduced herself.
"I'm.....[Your Full Named....]"
You replied.
"Well it's nice to meet you [Your Name.]"
Yoruichi smiled.
"So I finally got your name..."
Ichigo said and walked towards us.
Then sat down beside your futon.
(Too close....)
You said in your mind.
"So.....you became as soul reaper?"
Ichigo said or more like asked.
You were quiet.
"Aw come on.Don't give me the silent treatment again."
Ichigo sighed.
You spoke one word.
Ichigo looked at you.
He hummed.
"Are....you dead as well?"
You managed to ask.
"Well....kind of? It's hard to explain...."
Ichigo scratched his nose.
"Well why don't you explain it to her Ichigo. I bet you have questions of your own."
Yoruichi said and left you both alone.
Again silent was met.
"So.....I'll explain everything."
Ichigo told you everything about how he became a soul reaper.
That Rukia Kuchiki gave her powers to him and lost her.
Now she had to paid the price and was being executed for it.
It against the rules to give your powers to humans.
(So....it is that Rukia.)
As you pondered about everything.
"Some of my friends.....are grieving for you.
Even though you didn't talk to anyone...."
This caught you off guard.
You give him a shocked look.
"Don't believe him [Your Name...]
Everyone is glad that you died..."
Spoke the dark thought.
You said under your breath.
"What did you say?"
Ichigo asked.
You said looked away.
It was silent for a moment
That is until Ichigo broke the silence
"Who murdered you?"
Immediately you turned your head to look at Ichigo.
"What...did you....say?"
It was your turn to ask.
"I said who murdered you?"
Ichigo said firmly.

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