003 | The Young & Restless..

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" the young & restless "
━━━ ༻ CHAPTER THREE ༺ ━━━

          AT NIGHT, ANOPE TURNED BLUE. The azure lights of the moons tangled with a gentle pink and danced through the open doors of the balcony in Eden's room. Breezing in past curtains embraided with the smallest of flowers, wind swept the nocturnal perfume for a roundabout through the atmosphere supposedly calm and temperate. 

Though daylight shed loneliness over the depleting numbers of High Emissaries and the suffocating lack of true company worth breaking the fasting on speech that would go on for days on end sometimes, all while casting Eden amidst a cruel joke that she will turn out one day to be the last to live amongst the planet's ghosts, it was nice enough at night to have such a spacious room all to herself. 

In the darkness which came with the deep blue of night few things were truly noticeable inside the chambers of the Omni Sanctuary, the center of the High Emissary gathering and her home. Positioned amidst the Echo Forest, the Sanctuary was a massive structure, a piece of history of the Force in its own, such that even bedchambers for guests were engraved with century-old tapestries and murals, languages which perhaps were dead for the vast majority of the galaxy. Anope had the bad habit of remembering everything. 

No matter how excited it would sound for most to sleep inside a house of ethereal grandeur, amongst the ghosts of the greatest minds, there wasn't really all that much to see in Eden's room. The walls may have been filled with hieroglyphs and her constantly open doors to the balcony were perpetually blossomed in green life extending from the forest right outside, but very few things in her room were actually part of her soul. 

Without ever having left the planet, she didn't have much she could exclusively call her own. Attachments to the material world were discouraged. Simplicity was glorified. And though she's been allowed to hold on to all the wooden figurines she entertained her childhood games with growing up in that very room, there was little on the planet that she would now be allowed to find and keep.

Despite having nothing distracting her, Eden's been tossing and turning in the bedsheets with an unshakable restlessness turned to a perpetual, frustrating buzz every time she tried to close her eyes. Eventually, she just decided to lay back and stare at the ceiling to discern just what exactly has drawn her to an impossibility of being motionless. 

It almost felt like the day was not supposed to be over, no matter how eventful it has been up until then. Seeing Master Obi-Wan, meeting Anakin... the whole escapade to the desert and back to the Omni Sanctuary. More has happened in that single day for her than perhaps the whole year, yet it felt unfinished. Like something was missing and because of it, her mind could not subdue to the rest her body desired. 

On the other hand, Eden could think deeply into it that all which has happened has somehow left her yearning for more still. It was the moment that possibility crossed her mind that her cheeks refused the numbness and carried the dimples of a smile between scattered freckles. 

Maybe she was just too excited about the weeks to come to even comprehend wasting time on precious sleep. All the temples she was supposed to show to Anakin she's seen before one too many times, but never with someone else. Secrets buzzed under her skin, aching to be told and shared. Becoming a tomb to wonders has never quite appealed to her, despite what her destiny wanted her life to be in the end. 

She's allowed herself too little opportunity that day to watch the Jedi's true reactions to all that she managed to cram during their forest walk. But even the short glimpses Eden's gotten of Anakin's eyes as they flooded with pulses of curiosity shimmering his blue to stars were enough to set her mind in a delightful frenzy imagining how warm it could feel to share even more of Anope with him. 

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