011 | On A Shooting Star..

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" on a shooting star "
━━━ ༻ CHAPTER ELEVEN ༺ ━━━

          FROM THE TIP OF A precise brush to the parchment beneath, Eden had written in black ink, in as many languages as she could, her progress in the study of Force projection, with regard to its known origins, its tested limitations and what it could achieve through mastery. Her studies were far from complete, but only since her ceremonial emergence as a High Emissary and the acceptance of a guarding post at the desert temple, she's already reached what she would consider impressive breakthroughs, not only on Anope, where her Force projecting endeavors helped uncover Gihec tombs and a possible underwater temple far beneath the ocean, but also in the galaxy.

She's seen worlds, she's observed civilizations, she's witnessed as many natural wonders as she could and most importantly, she's kept close with Anakin in encounters that soothed the distance gaping between them and calmed the distress either of them faced in their own way, in solitude or warfare.

One of the most dangerous parts about Force projection, albeit Eden considered it a fairly subjective downside for her, was just how addictive it could get to roam further and longer, to neglect the importance of the physical aspect of life and feed only the soul with what she's been arguably craving her whole life. She's discovered the hard way that long term projections caused physical harm to the body; the meditative state, in the absence of the soul, ate through much of the bodily stored sustenance faster, leaving room for rapid dehydration and even severe episodes of hunger to throw off entire inner processes. Unfortunately, when her body was as weak as her, the consequences were only amplified.

The key, as with most things, was moderation. That fine line of balance that the ideal Force required echoed in every aspect of life, unsurprisingly so.

Eden walked through the desert temple with her parchment rolled up in a scroll and securely stored under her arm. Though the idea of routines and constant discipline had, at some point in the past, bored her, she's grown docile to accepting it as long as she would continue her studies into this method of seeing and learning more than just what Anope had to offer. 

With not as much of a heavy heart, she would fall into this daily pace of returning the scroll to the temple's archive after reporting the progress into it, nodding towards one of the few Emissaries also appointed on this site -though she would obviously receive no such courtesy in return as desert temple Emissaries turned out to have grown dull and numb to most verbal interactions-, then slipping quietly into the Oasis.

There, she'd kick off her shoes and walk the silk grass to a far inner corner. Behind a rock, she'd finally pick up the leather wrapped lightsaber from Anakin and feel the break from the mundane for the second time during the day, after the morning projections. Thousands of studied murals and texts have led her to hold just enough knowledge to be able to eventually build up the confidence to train herself into wielding the weapon.

Given the presence of the war right on their doorstep, Eden started feeling even less wicked for this rule transgression as of late. As soon as her hand wrapped on the cold metal hilt, the High Emissary standard lowered and she inhaled the dream with a heartbeat in the wooden pendant around her neck. 

It was hardly a self-defense indulgence, no matter how she would have like to justify the satisfaction of watching the blue energy stream, but rather a pure joy of fulfillment. That was where she came alive, so to say, without having to discard her physical form. 

EAST OF EDEN ( anakin s. ) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now