029 | Saw You In A Dream..

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" saw you in a dream "

          FEAR THE DREAMS YOU DON'T REMEMBER, but accept the ones you do as they have been given. Question not their truth, but their meaning, as one word has not been made to carry all the translations it now has, just like one object had never always been the same to different eyes. 

The first thing he remembered was the silence.

His nights had been riddled with nightmares, seeing the collapse of stars, the devouring of entire planets to the ravenous loom of black holes straying from the center of the galaxy, in a heralding of cosmic imbalance; he was shown the death of civilization on the pikes of a revolution that spread through the systems in an everlasting fire burning and leaving behind fields of ashen skeletons and deserts made of scarlet sands, over which nothing crawled but the iron stench of death. He was shown the horror of an ending that no life form should be allowed to see, glimpsed at those final seconds when great planets in ruin had but fragments of their bygone glory left. Helplessly, he had watched the forgotten wind draft through the dust and scatter off the physical world's loneliness in the absence of life.

But the nightmares about the end that have seeded inside Yoda's mind a deep rooted fear in front of which he was too pious not to bend, all held a distinct buzz. Like the static noise before communication is established that carries on over the transmitted message because the frequency is volatile and could give out at any second.

The dream he had on his last sleep before meeting the child started in complete silence.

Then, a wind started whispering to him. To go from a deafening silence of unspeakable depth into the tickling lullaby of nature was somewhere between swimming to the surface of an ocean with its entire pressure pressing down on his shoulders all the while his lungs begged for reprieve and following the magnetism of a mystical pull as it led down through an energy-imbued forest pulsing a heartbeat of its own in a rhythm that veiled in entirety its stance for either benevolence or raw malignancy.

Brushing over his skin, the wind awakened Yoda's senses to the dream. He couldn't have mistaken that space he had fluttered his eyes open into for reality even if he tried to overlook his own corporal lightness; the place the dream has taken him to was, first and foremost, hazed by a flare whose bright shine blurred the edges of the horizon into something ethereal and closer to non-existence than even the concept of phantoms has ever been.

Squinting past this dazed confusion undulating the air and everything contained within it, Yoda assessed the overwhelming amount of detail that he could now distinguish in an otherwise rather simple environment. The wind had carried the scent of rain and its brisk aroma left a trail to the dark clouds that have long since passed over the spot at which he had awakened; behind their thundering path was left a starry night guided into a natural and soundless spectacle of celestial light, albeit without the presence of any moon as the single one supposed to grace the heavens on that night had chosen to hide its face away completely and leave room for the billions of stars to witness the miracle instead.

The serene sky reflected itself in all the puddles that peppered the ground, however, their portal-like presence looking into the very heart of the universe was not nearly as compelling for Yoda to watch as the realization that he was not alone in this subtly unearthly landscape. With a skip in his heart's beats and a hitch in his breath he noticed the ghostly weave of damp hair, as white as snow, shimmering in an incomprehensible silver under the light of the heavenly watchers. This woman, seated amidst the puddles, was rocking ever so slightly back and forth and though she was facing away from Yoda, he could tell at once that her head was bowed over something she was holding in her arms and at which she gifted selflessly the full might of her attention.

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