004 | Our Violent Delights..

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" our violent delights "
━━━ ༻ CHAPTER FOUR ༺ ━━━

          "THUSTED AND FRIXELTE always show up on the night sky first and they have only two phases, either full or half lit, never in the same phase at the same time though, which makes them a good lesson for balance, I suppose." 

This was better, Eden couldn't help but think every time she stopped to catch her breath. This was what was missing. Laid back on sand, taking in its accumulated warmth, she watched the night sky governed by five major celestial bodies, the five moons of the planet. A single fugitive comment compelled Anakin to inquire her about them and now, while his grunts and frustrated puffs went on just a meter farther from her and the wall of lianas, she went on with every single fact she could possibly remember about the constellations peppered in silver kisses on a sea of undulating purple in a deep blue ocean, and then about the luminous moons, ghosts of wonder. 

"Frixelte has an orange color, but because of Anope's purple upper atmosphere it appears vaguely red most of the time. Thusted, being the biggest moon, heavily influences the color of nights around here, so when the it enters its halved phase, the nights are red for about a whole week and we have to enter the Watchful Trance, where we meditate across the planet and replenish the radiance of the Force memories stored in stone and plant life." Those two moons were the most prominent on the sky, hanging over the dune-made horizon, and also the most important to the Emissaries and their rites. 

Moving her eyes further up to the center of the sky, right above her, she continued, "Pre is not entirely round, but it is a moon nonetheless. It doesn't show up each night though. Screridom shows up only once every three days as well and Nerermese just once a week as its the furthest moon. They think Nerermese is going to float away one day and when that happens, half the surface water will drain into the ground and flood almost all the cavernous temples."

"And which one do you like then?" Anakin exhaled heavily through his question, hooking Eden's curiosity enough to make her prop herself on her elbows and check on his progress. She's been going through stories about the Anopian night sky for the past hour and Anakin was still trying the very same approach as before. Though he was making far more progress than she thought he would by continuously force pushing at the sand dune, he seemed righteously unhappy with his results, that he could not figure out how to simply make the surface of the dune vibrate and collapse on its own. 

Closing his eyes, Anakin resumed his breathing exercise and slowly lifted his right hand up again towards the dune in front him, half the size it used to be when he started this. Given that they had a good couple of hours before sunrise still, according to Eden at least, he decided he'd like to see if he can figure out her technique without her actually giving him the step by step instructions. 

Distracted with watching his stance, Eden forgot there was a question at all. She sat up instead, hands in her lap, and studied not only the physical aspect of Anakin in that moment, but the sense of raw power that he channeled too. He was powerful, more so than she had initially felt during his arrival. 

A deafened thud blasted the top of the dune off as if wind had blown on it a sudden, brisk gust. That surface burst of Force rippled down the sand dune and Anakin brought his left hand up to catch the motion and control it, causing a second puff blowing off just a little more of the surface, before the effect dissipated entirely. 

His hands dropped to his knees. Drenched beneath heavy breaths, Anakin found it insufficient to just remain buckled over, panting his lungs out. Instead, trusting in the sand entirely, he decided on the spot to take several steps back and collapse beside Eden, where he finally laid down, his arms spread. There, he could sigh. 

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